Give Clean Water to Kids in Africa

by Splash
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Give Clean Water to Kids in Africa
Give Clean Water to Kids in Africa
Give Clean Water to Kids in Africa

Project Report | Dec 19, 2018
Hygiene Clubs at Biruh Tesfa Primary School

By Molly Parus | Development Coordinator

Splash has recently conducted hygiene education at Biruh Tesfa Primary School. After two days of specialized training by Splash hygiene trainers, we also helped facilitate the formation of the student hygiene club and the sub-cabinets associated with the club, responsible for various aspects of student hygiene and school cleanliness.

As a result of these efforts, this month, we met three powerful student leaders while they were facilitating lunch-time handwashing activities – Mekdes, Yordanos, and Netsanet. Each are student hygiene ambassadors who have been instrumental in leading the development of their club structure. These powerful young leaders have been chosen by their peers to manage the water sub-division of the club. They are determined and proud about what they are doing. “Our role is different. We keep students in order during lunch and other school break times when they use the water stations and the bathroom. We also have the opportunity to run mass education projects, through mini-media and class-to-class education.”

Yordanos is the secretary of the student hygiene club. In her role, she calls student ambassadors for regular monthly meetings and goes class-to-class to alert students about their meetings and corresponding assignments, as well as reminds her fellow hygiene club members about upcoming ambassador sub-committees. “Every day I have something to do apart from school work and I am so happy about that. Teachers give me their appreciation when they see me for keeping students in order during break time.” These ‘water stars’ shared that they are happier in school after they joined the hygiene club and became ambassadors because the adults in the school view them as unique. Yordanos mentioned that, “The school principal now meets with us twice a month to discuss challenges and opportunities within the school.”

We are thrilled to make a difference in these girls’ lives and the lives of 1,377 kids and adults at the school. Later this month, sanitation rehabilitation work will begin at the schools. 

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Location: Seattle, WA - USA
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Twitter: @Splash_org
Project Leader:
Splash International
Dev. Assistant
Seattle , WA United States

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