Offering hope and a helping hand up to our community.
Each of GlobalGiving’s nonprofit partners is required to send quarterly donor reports detailing the impact of their work. Here are some of their recent updates:
By Kristine Cleland | Board President
The Collinsville Food Pantry is continuously moving forward. We recently were able to purchase some new shelves for 2 areas of the Pantry. These are stainless steel shelving units that are... Read the full report ›By Kristine Cleland | Board President
Back to School! Collinsville Unit School District #10 started back up on August 14. For the kids, summer freedom is over and back to the books. We provide Tote Me Home to our... Read the full report ›By Stacy Jones | Director of Services
Summer is quickly approaching and our Tote Me Home program does not stop. This program helps children. During the summer, our pantry partners with the HHH Summer Camp and Tutoring program at St. John... Read the full report ›