A better way to manage dilemmas
Ethos is a philosophy and how-to guide designed to help leaders explore, act on, manage, and learn from dilemmas.


When it comes to ethical dilemmas, we can’t hide behind neutrality.

Ethos helps executive leaders reach more confident, empathetic, and creative resolutions to ethical dilemmas. It was developed collaboratively by platform leaders and their stakeholders in partnership with GlobalGiving.

There are two Ethos playbooks: the Ethos Lite Playbook for managing urgent crises, and the complete Ethos Playbook for working with stakeholders to make more confident decisions and comprehensive solutions. Both playbooks provide a common framework to help leaders communicate the why, what, and how of their decisions.

What makes Ethos a better way

Dilemmas—those questions about who we partner with and how we address threats to our integrity—are a source of stress and risk to most executives. Ethos is a human-centered mindset and approach to help us all make more confident decisions with integrity.

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Based on empathy and equity
  • Gives all stakeholders a seat at the table
  • Makes it safe to discuss heated topics
  • Invites us to acknowledge harms
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Leads to more creative, comprehensive solutions
  • Helps us get to non-binary decisions
  • Acknowledges messiness and complexity
  • Invites us to address root causes
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Builds trust among staff and stakeholders
  • Supports change management
  • Builds relationships as an end not a means
  • Carries credibility from a set of trusted creators
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Strategic Partners

We're grateful to the many peers and partners who've supported this journey.

Charity Navigator
Better Place
Gates Foundation

We're here to help.

Ethos was created and tested over two years by a collaborative team of platform leaders, nonprofit staff, and other social sector professionals led by GlobalGiving. We’ve made it free and easy to use so your team can benefit from our trials and errors.

Need help getting started? Looking for one-on-one support?

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