Help Mou & Susan Live Safely in Shelter

A microproject by Pathways to Safety International
Help Mou & Susan Live Safely in Shelter


Susan and Mou are getting ready to flee Italy back to the USA to get away from Susan's husband who is violent to both Susan and Mou. We have made flight arrangements for Susan and Mou back home and found a domestic violence shelter when she arrives. Unfortunately, the shelter where Susan is staying does not accept pets. We found a foster family that will take in Mou for two months while Susan gets back on her feet, gets a job and can get her own apartment at a cost of $300.

total raised
monthly donors


In cases of domestic violence pets are also victims. If the pets cannot leave and go to a safe place with victims, often victims will not leave. When domestic violence victims leave they don't have access to money so we help them get back home to the USA, with their pets whenever possible and continue to help them stay with their pets, or at least find a safe place for them during the transition.


If we can raise the funds to put Mou in foster care, Susan can live in the domestic violence shelter for two months while she gets re-settled, gets a job and gets an apartment where both she and Mou can live without violence.

Long-Term Impact

This project will reduce animal abuse and help families thrive when rebuilding a healthy life away from domestic violence. Without such a program domestic violence victims would be forced to leave their pets behind which subjects them to further abuse and often death.


Organization Information

Pathways to Safety International

Location: Portland, OR - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Paula Lucas
Portland , OR United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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