Lifeskills for 8 children in South Africa - Pilot

A microproject by Keep The Dream196
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Lifeskills for 8 children in South Africa - Pilot
Lifeskills for 8 children in South Africa - Pilot
Lifeskills for 8 children in South Africa - Pilot

Project Report | Dec 3, 2018
Thank you - #GivingTuesday report back!

By Louise Batty | Managing Director

Gracias, Obrigado, Arigato, Grazas, Thanks, Qujan, Paldies, Danki, Mesi, Tak, Koszi, Grazie, Tak, Vielen Dank, Ederim, Tesekkur, Na Gode, Merci, Multemusc, Muchus Gracias, Go Raibh Maith Agat, Mersi, Danke Schon, Baie Danke, Nkomu, Siyabonga!

Welcome to our new partners who have supported us through the #GivingTuesday before and after! Welcome to the KTD196 Community of supporters!

WOW what a great start to the giving season.

I want to give you feedback about how well Keep The Dream196 performed.

We were ranked number 40 out of over 4,800 competing organizations for this year’s #GivingTuesday appeal in terms of performance, that is amazing! We usually around #200.

Through yours and others response we have raised $6,9870 which includes $875 as bonus from GlobalGiving on one day. Our target for #GivingTuesday was $7,000 so well done.

This is the start of the giving season and we have an overall target of $70,000 we are now a heck of a lot further because of your support. So far in October and November we have raised a total of $10,309 in total and we are well on way to reach our total.

I am very grateful for your support.

What this means in reality is we are able to plan and implement services to more orphaned and vulnerable children aged 5-7yrs in the areas where we function. We need to be wise so we will target areas and numbers of children where we know we can sustain services regardless as to if we reach our Giving Season target.

As you can imagine, this is so exciting for us. Currently we have had to limit the involvement of the younger children because of their age, now we will have a proper program to give them so they will feel a part of KTD196 and have a good foundation for the future.

By supporting us with your year end gift you are setting us up for January!

We are SUPER EXCITED to be able to expand and to grow our program. I am looking forward to the work we are going to be able to do, the children we are going to impact in 2019 through your ongoing support.

The lives of the children we shape and the communities we touch are so important and we are so excited that you are going to be a part of this impact. We also have had a donor increase their committment to us for the purpose of working with the parents/caregivers of the children. During this training we teach gaurdians about identifying risk factors for their children and how to prevent their children from going down the wrong road. This is a powerful training that has wonderful impact for restoring hope to families.

I just wanted to keep you up to date with what is happening and what we are planning.

Dont forget to take advantage of your year end gift and also your tax deduction.

If you would like any further information just let me know or if you have any comments please contact me on   I have included below a link to a TV program called EARNED where KTD196 was profiled for its experience and expertise. This program was produced to assist new organizations to start up or people just thinking about how to start. In it you will meet my staff, see the environment in which we work and be introduced to a number of our kids. I hope you enjoy. Please send me back feedback via this project report at the bottom.

Your partner in serving orphaned and vulnerable children of Limpopo Province, South Africa.

Thank you



This is an anonymous comment sent as feedback via GlobalGiving at the bottom of the previous report, from one of the many people supporting us who has actually visited us.

"Your operations in KTD196 have been going for many years and you have all managed to extend your reach but keep your standards in all the areas you work amazing achievement and a huge gift to all you influence. it is humbling to see your work."


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Nov 26, 2018
#GivingTuesday is Tomorrow! Tomorrow is D-Day

By Louise Batty | Managing Director

Nov 26, 2018
Gearing up for End of Year Support of KTD196

By Louise Batty | Managing Director

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Organization Information

Keep The Dream196

Location: Tzaneen, Limpopo - South Africa
Project Leader:
Louise Batty
Modjadjiskloof , Limpopo South Africa

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