Dustin was traveling abroad this summer when he was sexually assaulted in Lithuania. We helped Dustin with emergency needs and he decided to continue his trip. Dustin is now suffering from PTSD and needs therapy. With this microproject we will be able to pay his co-pay of $40 per session for 10 sessions with a counselor.
Dustin identifies with the LGBTQ community. He was devastated after he was sexually assaulted in Lithuania by someone he trusted. He thought he could get "over it" by himself, but is now suffering from PTSD. Dustin needs therapy to help him get through this difficult time.
Ten therapy sessions will help Dustin heal from a violent sexual assault and help him overcome the PTSD he is experiencing.
We will provide extensive services to 30 LGBTQ victims of sexual assault, hate crimes and interpersonal violence while traveling or living in a foreign country. Services include danger to safety relocation, legal assistance, cash for immediate needs, counseling and long term case management. Case managers will help the victims navigate foreign systems safely preventing re-victimization.