Domestic violence in the Military is a serious problem. Active duty victims can access resources but if they are in lethal danger, reporting the abuse may not be confidential. We provide a confidential life line outside of the military response to help victims determine what course of action they want to take. During this time they need a safety net - a safe place to stay for a few days, money for transportation and emergency needs. This project will support one to two American military victims.
American military domestic violence victims need time to determine the best course of action for their situation. This means leaving the abusive household, and getting some place safe, so they can work with one of our domestic violence advocates to work through the process of reporting and getting safe.
This project aims to help one or two American military domestic violence victims with resources for approximately one week so they can be safe, away from the abuse, while they determine their best course of action.
Victims of family violence within the military will begin to heal both physically and psychologically due to AODVC's holistic approach to safety planning and case management.