Sport  Singapore Project #44289

Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund

by The ATLAS Foundation
Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund
Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund
Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund
Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund
Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund
Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund
Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund
Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund

Project Report | Mar 10, 2020
Aon Singapore 2020 Round the Island Challenge

By Rory Hamilton | Marketing & Communications Officer

Exciting times ahead for Atlas Asia and ANMF. Not only have we reached the £500,000 mark, but our fantastic supporters keep going above and beyond for ANMF with physical challenge after physical challenge. We have the Round the Island Challenge coming up this weekend with Senior Insurance Executives and more taking to the waters to circumnavigate the Island of Singapore; then in June we have the Atlas Cycling Challenge, where ANMF supporters will join the rest of the Atlas peloton to help raise funds in the Tour of Cambridge, and finally at the start of July our ANMF team are partaking in the Race to the Stones in Wiltshire.

We also saw cousin of Alex and Annabel, Lily Kiely, do an amazing job raising more funds by selling wristbands and her school fairs over Christmas and New Year. She is an incredibly brave young girl who has done this off her own back without asking for any help!

These people are all superhumans who go above and beyond for such a fantastic cause. See below for the latest update ahead of this weekend's Round the Island Challenge from Geoff and Fiona who are leading this amazing group... 


"The ‘Aon Singapore 2020 Round the Island’ team have been training since October 2019, completed a 6, 12 and 21-hour training session along Sentosa and as a collective paddled over 13,000 km.  Based on that distance the team could have paddled from Singapore to the UK! 

And now, bags are packed and paddles are at the ready to hit the open water, the team determined to come back to shore with that record in place. 

As many of you know as a team we committed to supporting two important charities that are close to our hearts. Whilst the fundraising evening has been rescheduled the team have done a fantastic job and have raised a combined total of SGD 189,379 for the Singapore Children’s Society and SGD 159, 379 of this has been personally raised for the Anita, Alex and Annabel Nicholson Memorial Fund.  Whilst there is still much more to come we want to thank everyone for all your support and generosity. 

For those looking to see the team off you are welcome to come down to Ola Beach Club; home of Singapore Paddle Club on Friday 13th February. We will be looking to depart Ola Beach Club (weather dependent) at approximately 4pm.

We are looking to finish on Saturday 14th March at the home of Singapore Paddle Club, Ola Beach Club at approximately 2pm. Timing of course is subject to change and you should refer to the tracking device to see where we are and if we are schedule!  We would be delighted to have you all there to greet us as we come in along with what we expect to be another armada of paddlers. Please quote ‘SPC’ if you are purchasing any food & beverage at Ola Beach Club as you can get a 15% discount.

Whilst the team will be exhausted and no doubt in need of a well deserved drink the team will need some time to get belongings off the boats and get the Outriggers back to shore. The team will all want a shower and change of clothes. We will meet everyone at Trapizza for the finale party from 3.30pm onwards. 

We look forward to seeing you!

Geoff, Fiona & the Aon Singapore 2020 Round the Island team"

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Organization Information

The ATLAS Foundation

Location: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @theatlascharity
Project Leader:
Sally Hoddell
Cheltenham , Gloucestershire United Kingdom
$7,995 raised of $100,000 goal
75 donations
$92,005 to go
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