Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota

by Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro
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Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota

Project Report | Dec 21, 2011
We're on our way!!

By Zachary | Assistant Project Manager

Pintando Caminos is getting ready for this Christmas. We are going to have a celebration on December 24 in the foundation with all of the kids, where we will give them gifts that have been donated this year. We have also had the opportunity to take the kids on two field trips in recent weeks - one to a play area in a mall, and another to a water park. These are all great opportunities for kids, who would not otherwise have the ability to enjoy these activities. This time of year is creates a jovial and light atmosphere in the foundation with the kids. Every one is excited.

The kids are also involved in making gift boxes (you can see them in the pictures on this project report), which we distribute to donors here and those who help with our Christmas activities. It's great to see the kids enjoying themselves with artistic activities and just having fun now that the school year is out for the rest of December.


In terms of the winter giving challenge with Global Giving, so far we have been successful in raising over $1200 dollars, which already allows us to begin planning for better nutrition and academic programming next year! This is great news, but it is still a long way from what we need to offer them a full range of resources, or to ensure a place on Global Giving’s website. In order to meet these goals, we need to raise 4,000 dollars from at least 50 donors by December 31st.


Please consider talking to family and friends about our project, why you feel connected to us, and why you think it's important to give in your own words. Only you know what to say.

Thanks again, and enjoy the holidays.

With love and gratitude,


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Organization Information

Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro

Location: Bogota, Cundinamarca - Colombia
Project Leader:
Alexandra Tamara
Bogota , Colombia

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