Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota

by Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro
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Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota

Project Report | Jul 8, 2020

By Alexandra Tamara | Director

In these moments of challenge and change, we’re present in our kids lives and also helping the community around us. During the months of March and April, we have given food to about 90 families (some of them Venezuelan citizens), which is around 200 bagged of food.


By May understood that it was not safe and also inoperative to continue with this activity, since we don’t have the logistics infrastructure to do it, at this time we decide that the best way to continue our help to the community was through the Parrish of the area especially their priests that we know well and have all the operative structure to do a good job around giving food within this area.


We also wanted to recognize our children who make a daily effort, most of them with no computers, just one phone to do homeschooling for 4, in places that don't have the proper light and ventilation, so it’s been a hard time for them during the quarantine; so to recognize them we start sending "the happiness kit", consisting of colors, a coloring book, butter and jam, candies… a lot of candies, eggs, milk a little cake, the Bible for kids, and a book of different activities.


As always thanks for your support

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Organization Information

Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro

Location: Bogota, Cundinamarca - Colombia
Project Leader:
Alexandra Tamara
Bogota , Colombia

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