Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota

by Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro
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Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota

Project Report | Mar 4, 2022
2021 great year

By Alexandra Tamara | Director

Christmas celebration
Christmas celebration

The year 2021 was a year full of blessings and gifts, for example, Natalia, one of our beneficiaries, she´s been in Pintando for 12 years and Gineth, 16 years in Pintando, lived the experience of serving and learning to work with love and excellence, they are now entering college and will continue on their way, like hundreds of other children who have left Pintando to go out into the world, confident that God exists and loves them.


Despite the pandemic, all the contagions, and the fear, we delivered 880 breakfasts and lunches per month, to the 110 children who attended Pintando in 2021; the homework program didn’t lack love or food, they played, learned, break the routine, and confinement, saw each other and interacted.


Due to pandemic status, we decided not to do homework, instead, we organized playground activities, there were 8 monthly activities, including coloring, gluing, cutting, thinking, adding, and subtracting.


In December we worked with dreams, respect, courage, and Jesus, we made them a Christmas breakfast, we gave each one of them and their siblings (120 in total) a Christmas gift (clothes, shoes, toys), and also shared with the visitors that accompany us in December ice cream and hot dogs.


This 2022 Pintado celebrates 20 years of having opened its doors to love, faith, and hope and the belief that it’s possible to transform stories… without your help, it would’ve been impossible. We thank God for so many miracles, so many gestures of love and mercy lived during this time. We’ll celebrate the gift, the miracle, the perseverance, and the generosity received!!! We’ll let you know our plans for this celebration.


Since the beginning of February, we’ve welcomed 95 children for the feeding and homework programs, and we hope during March to be able to admit another 20.

As always THANK YOU, and again we invite you to continue supporting our work.

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Organization Information

Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro

Location: Bogota, Cundinamarca - Colombia
Project Leader:
Alexandra Tamara
Bogota , Colombia

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