Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota

by Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro
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Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota
Breaking poverty cycle for 70 youths in Bogota

Project Report | Jul 2, 2015


She is Gineth Alejandra but we called MAMU, she’s 11 and since she was 3 is assisting to our programmes, is one of the participants in our video at Global Giving and as you can see is always happy.

To all of us it’s so great to see her smile and know for fact she’s growing surrounded by love, learning values for life and looking to make things right, full of dreams and confident that she has everything to accomplish them.

Mamu is a monitor, she arrives early to do her homework and then helps younger children with their homework, she also helps with housework at Pintando, she is at Pintando most of her day.

Her parents work with us, Manuel, her father, drives a taxicab and he takes us all over to Bogota, and also picks up visitors and donations since 2008, and her mother Marcela, helps with the care and education children since 2010. Her relatives are also in Pintando Caminos, cousins, uncles, are part of our great family.

Her dreams are to become an astronaut, a CSI or a professional singer. What is important to us is that she knows the flavor of a huge hug, knows she can fulfill her dreams and that she can count with us to support her and give her love.

Mamu is a constant reminder of why is worth to continue working in transform poverty within Colombia, every time that I remember that 6 of every 10 Colombians live in poverty or vulnerability, I look at Mamu and she inspires me to continue, to fight for many more children out there who need education, love and values, children like her.

PS: Her dog is also a part of Pintando, his name is “Mouse”

mamu 3 years old
mamu 3 years old
mamu 8 years old
mamu 8 years old
mamu  dreams map 2014
mamu dreams map 2014
mamus family
mamus family


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Organization Information

Pintando Caminos Asociacion Para Recrear el Futuro

Location: Bogota, Cundinamarca - Colombia
Project Leader:
Alexandra Tamara
Bogota , Colombia

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