Bring Quality Education to 50MM Brazilian Children

by Todos Pela Educacao
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Bring Quality Education to 50MM Brazilian Children
Bring Quality Education to 50MM Brazilian Children
Bring Quality Education to 50MM Brazilian Children
Bring Quality Education to 50MM Brazilian Children
Bring Quality Education to 50MM Brazilian Children

Project Report | Aug 24, 2022
Activity Report Todos Pela Educacao 2021

By Todos Pela Educacao | Todos Pela Educacao

According to the words of the executive president of Todos Pela Educação

We anticipated that 2021 would be a difficult year, and we were correct. The multiple agenda imposed on Brazil and Brazilian Basic Education amid a pandemic required effort, work, technical capacity, resilience, partnerships, and political articulation with key actors capable of meeting the year’s challenges. Features that
are normally prohibitively expensive for Todos Pela Educação and that, in 2021, proved to be even more critical for our struggles and accomplishments throughout the year.

We work for the resumption of classrooms with a rhythm and effectiveness capable of initiating the long process of learning recovery for millions of children and teenagers who were absent from the classrooms. As a result, it was critical to work with the Forum of Governors to expedite the vaccination of educators and ensure adequate measures for school reopening.

We also actively participate in the Public debate for the National Education System regulation, whose agenda made important advances in the National Congress in 2021 and will be one of the priorities for 2022. We mapped some of the best educational experiences promoted throughout Brazil, within the Educação Que
Dá Certo initiative; we systematically monitor data to evaluate policies and results, providing evidence and technical content to inform the educational debate.

We closed the year launching the debate foundations for the future, with the Educação Já 2022: a stimulus for discussion and the commitment of candidates, parties, and society to a robust and transformative agenda, to make quality public Education a major national priority. Guided once again by our priority agenda for Brazilian Education, the Educação Já! We started 2021 mobilizing majors for the Education structuring challenges.

These and many other initiatives and accomplishments - which reaffirm the foundations of Todo’s work - are detailed in this activity report, a lengthy list for which we can only thank the executive team, consultants, associates, maintainers, supporters, and partners:

Once again, thank you very much!

2022 will be a decisive year for Brazil. We count on you to show Brazil has a way, and the solution is Education.


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Organization Information

Todos Pela Educacao

Location: Sao Paulo - Brazil
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @todoseducacao
Todos Pela Educacao
Rogério Monaco
Project Leader:
Rogério Monaco
Sao Paulo , Sao Paulo Brazil

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