CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program

by Fundacion Hearts of Gold
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program
CETAP-Lucy Child Sponsorship Program

Project Report | Apr 30, 2020
Stronger Together

By Maria Jose Orellana | Project Leader

Dear friends,

During the past two months, Cetap Lucy has continued our educational commitment to children and teenagers. We have managed to prepare the children who will go to first grade in the different schools in September.

We have also started working with a group of young people who receive sexual orientation training with our psychologist, Pablo, which focuses on sexual health for adolescents. With greater involvement of the parents, the My Shield program is carried out in order to stop child abuse.

In February we welcomed three new children for early stimulation. Due to the pandemic that plagues the whole world, we have had to change the teaching style from face-to-face to a virtual format.

Teachers offer theis class through social media and in the same way send the activities for each day.

For the families that dont have acces to internet we are offering acces to internet from our CETAP Lucy computers so they can continuo with homeschooling

Because of the quarantine we have all had to change our lifestyle, for our families it has been really hard not to be able to work and have nothing to feed their families.

We have been able to support the failies who need the most, with enough groceries for 8 days for a family of up to 5 members, we are offering this every friday thanks community oganizations that are working hard to cover basic needs.

 I would like to express a special thanks to the donors and sponsors who contribute financially so that children have access to the education provided by Cetap Lucy. Without you, this would be impossible, and we will be forced to close. Your financial contribution is the only income we have at the moment. Please don't stop supporting us.

Please take care of yourselves, stay safe and healthy!

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Jan 10, 2020
Happy New Year!

By Maria Jose Orellana | Executive Director

Oct 15, 2019

By Maria Jose Orellana | Project Leader

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Organization Information

Fundacion Hearts of Gold

Location: Cuenca - Ecuador
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Hearts_Of_Gold
Project Leader:
Maria Jose Orellana
Cuenca , Ecuador
$69,827 raised of $100,000 goal
791 donations
$30,173 to go
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