Project Report
| Aug 11, 2015
By Noel Banda | Project Leader.
Chinseu Community Based Organisation is pleased to let the public that its feeding and education support project to aids orphaned children is progressing very well and the relationship between the management and community is another thing that we want to encourage as all these good management, things we see done at our Orphan Care is because you are participating in one way or the other, hence with great happiness we expresses our thank you to all community you are taking part, well wishers, donors within and abroad.
Chinseu Community Based Organization is also asking you our donors, well wishers, individuals who can help with vocation skills to our four Students who has finished Secondary education and they are staying home waiting for their examination results, we hope there is need to prepare them another budget for them to continue their education at vocation or persue their educations at College level.
Chinseu CBO is again looking for any Person who can manage and has experience background of running big project to fill our projects program manager 1. Anyone who can feel is qualified to fill this vacant can contact ; The Executive Director, Chinseu CBO, p.o. bOX 165, Lunzu.
May 27, 2015
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
Orphan Feeding and Education Fundraising Day.
Chinseu Community Based Organization is happy to let the public that the Feeding and Education supporting activities to the Orphan and Other Vulnerable Persons is currently moving smartly as planned. All these are achieved not only for granted but Chinseu is very acknowledgeable to all the people that are giving their donations to this project that these Orphaned Students are geting their free bursary school fees and Other Orphans are geting their daily meals cause of your Generous Donations. All of you receive Chinseu`s Big Thank you for feeding and educating Orphans that were stranded now are freely going to different schools and attending their education.
Chinseu is again asking more support from well wishers individuals, Families and others to join hands with Chinseu and Other Donors that are making sure Orphans are supported Hence this work always sustains when two or three or a group join together with one idea of achieving one goal and our/ Chinseu`s Destinations is making sure Orphans are fed and sent to school at all levels inorder to make them good future leaders and a peace nation/ world Hence Educated Citizens always make developed and good decisions.
Again Chinseu is thanking all villageleaders/ VillageHeadmen and Women for your huge support that you are rendering to this project We are Proud that You are Leaders of Today and making Chinseu a caring and supporting place for the underpreviledged Orphans. The Fundraising day that you our Traditional Leaders organised produces good results and was attended by many people who also participated we as the management are encouraging the organisers of that event not to stop there but continuing organising the same events in the future. One of the Pictures at the event attached.
Mar 6, 2015
Progres Report
By Noel Banda | Project Leader
Chinseu CBO is glad to give this project updates to the community and the whole public that the Feeding and education support activities are going well and many thanks is going to the Chinseu Community for encouraging the Chinseu CBO managing team with your contributions towards this project, with you we work smoothly and hope without you our work will be very difficult to see Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children feed and sent to school and provided with their school fees, we are able in doing all these cause we are together everytime and we are promising to work transparently and accountable to you our community and all Well Wishers, Donors and all contributors to Chinseu.
On our last month review meeting the audience endorsed ten additional names of Orphans to be included on the feeding program at the feeding centre, We are glad all the Children are benefiting this feeding program and we expect to accept the school fees bursary request for six students that were been named at the same meeting. We are working hard to make sure Orphans are cared and supported around our community without any type of discrimination.
- That Chinseu CBO is increasing the numbers of beneficiaries on both sides feeding and education, we are asking the whole community to join hands with the CBO management inorder to make sure our Orphans are cared and supported as before.
- The management again is notifing the community that there is also a box at The Group Village HeadWoman Mdala that people around there shall be droping their donations on that box or meet the CBO projects officer at the same GVH`s residents Mondays, and Fridays from 8 am to 4pm remember you can register your pledges or donations to this officer or drop your donations directly into the donation box found there.
- We hereby also notifing our community that we have a new Administration and Finance officer. Chrissy Phiri. preciviously working with Seveteen Youth Organisation as a Program Officer for two years, and also She was working with Siwande Farm as a Farm Manager for three years, before joining our community.