Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia

by Trailblazer Foundation
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Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia
Clean water for hundreds of villagers in Cambodia

Project Report | Oct 13, 2014
Trailblazer's Proliferation!

By Hannah Miller | Intern

A happy water filter recipient
A happy water filter recipient

The staff at the Trailblazer Foundation could not be more proud to announce that this year will mark the 10-year anniversary of the commencement of their organization. This pride, present due to the exponential increase of impact that the Trailblazer Foundation has seen over the years, holds true for both expatriate founders and local staff alike. When the formerly unrevealed organization began their work in Siem Reap, nearly 10 years ago, founders Scott and Chris Coats worked to increase the amount of potable water available to Khmer locals, with merely one bio-sand water filter mold and practically zero additional help. In the beginning years, the Trailblazer Foundation was producing upwards of 300 bio-sand water filters each year. Today, the Trailblazer Foundation both produces and delivers over 400 water filters each year, in addition to the approximate 120 wells drilled per year, and inevitable upsurge in local food production and wealth. This success can be largely attributed to a noticeable gain in both local and international support; due to increased funding, the Trailblazer Foundation has been able to provide training and salary wages to the now 11-person Trailblazer staff.

Trailblazer Foundation’s goals continue to rise. The current headquarters, where staff members and volunteers connect, is simply not large enough in size to meet the demanding needs for potable water in and around Siem Reap. Therefore, the Trailblazers plan to move to a new location that will accommodate both the office and the workspace needed in order to meet these needs. When asked if the organization will see an increase in production once the headquarters have been moved, co-founder Scott Coats responded by exclaiming, “That’s one of the reasons we want to move…so that we can increase our potential!” “We’re improving the worksite,” he added. Furthermore, in upcoming months, the Trailblazers hope to hire their 12th member to the team. This additional worker, who will join the current three-man bio-sand water filter team, will make production considerably more efficient.

The both exuberant and scrupulous Trailblazer staff notes overwhelmingly positive remarks toward the organization’s growth; nevertheless, one regretful piece of information remains. Although Trailblazer Foundation has, for 10 years, been able to provide water filters at a cheaper price than those offered by other water filter NGOs in Cambodia, “inflation has caught up with us,” remarks Coats. The increased cost of transporting the 150lb water filters, in addition to an increase in the cost of copper (used as piping), has resulted in an indispensible increase in the cost of providing a water filter to a family in need. The cost to both produce and deliver a bio-sand water filter is now $80 USD.

Trailblazer Foundation plans to continue to foster increased health and growth in local families. However, support is always needed. If you are able to provide support financially, the Trailblazer staff, as well as local beneficiaries, cannot thank you enough. Or, if you find yourself travelling in South East Asia, and are able to provide support through physical labor, your presence would be greatly appreciated. As always, thank you for the ongoing support.

Child curious about the filter
Child curious about the filter
All smiles
All smiles


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Organization Information

Trailblazer Foundation

Location: Fort Collins, CO - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Trailblazerfdn
Project Leader:
Chris Coats
Executive Director
Fort Collins , Colorado United States

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