Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan

by Fatima Memorial Hospital
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan

Project Report | Feb 19, 2014
Another Success Story

By Roomi Aziz | Project Leader

It is no easy task to pursue education in a country like Pakistan where education is considered a luxury for all children, but even more so for girls. The high costs associated with sending a child to school is one of the major barriers that stand in the way of a girl receiving education. Sadiqa is one such girl who had the mis-fortune to discontinue her studies and take care of her siblings when her father lost his job. She had to stay at home for almost half a year while her brother continued to go to school.

The Fatima Memorial Hospital team met with Sadiqa and inquired about her situation she said that when her father was able to find another job, she had expressed her desire to go back to school but her father wouldn’t let her go back because he said he couldn’t afford the educational costs of sending two children to school. The Fatima Memorial Hospital team requested Sadiqa’s parents to let her return to school, but her family especially her father relented. He said that as much as he would like to send her to school, it will be too much for his family to bear the cost of her uniform, textbooks, and bus fare. When the Fatima Memorial Hospital System team offered to take care of her finances and pay for the basic materials she would need to back to school, her family readily agreed to let her go back to school. Sadiqa said, “I can’t believe someone is willing to pay for my pens and books. I am very happy and feel like a free bird.”

Almost 5 months have passed and Sadiqa is regularly going to school. She wants to become a teacher when she grows up and teach other girls. She is a strong supporter of female education. Her class teacher, Uzma Naheed says that her academic performance is improving with each day.

Due to support of her teachers, Fatima Memorial Hospital and donors like you, we have been able to free this little bird and let her resume her flight.

Please join hands with us and give wings to many other birds like Sadiqa, who want to fly.

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Organization Information

Fatima Memorial Hospital

Location: Lahore, Punjab - Pakistan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @nur_crp
Project Leader:
Arif Kabani
Lahore , Punjab Pakistan

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