Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan

by Fatima Memorial Hospital
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan
Continuing Malala's Dream - Educating Pakistan

Project Report | Aug 21, 2015
Top Scorer -Afia

By Asma Rao | Head of Marketing and Resource Mobilization

Formal and non-formal education enables conditional learning that carries positive effect in the life of a student. Education always affects mental development and thinking patterns and boosts confidence in students.


Nur Foundation (NF) schools have enabled 18,000 students of different peri-urban areas of Lahore Pakistan, to indulge in the life long experience of education and change the status of their lives from being poor and impoverished to become accomplished and successful. Out of 1850 current students enrolled in NF schools, we are pleased to honour Afia, a student who has worked hard, despite all the hardships in her life, to excel academically. 


Afia is a 16 years old girl who is living in Malik Pur village of Lahore. She has five sisters and no brother. She has always seen her father critically ill and bedridden leaving her mother to be the sole breadwinner for her 6 daughters and her sick husband. Afia and her two sisters are enrolled on a non-payment plan in the NF school and all three are brilliant students. Her elder sister has also completed her matriculation from the NF school and is also currently teaching there, helping her mother to bear household expenses.


There came moments in Afia’s life when she was about to dropout from school in order to assist her mother with everyday chores and earning expenses. She joined her elder sister in providing home tuition to students, while also simultaneously pursuing her studies.  She stands with determination and motivation for her education, with an unbeatable and high spirit, leaving no room for losing hope in achieving her dreams just like Malala Yousafzai.


Remarkably, in matriculation exams of 2014-2015 she scored 950 marks out of 1100 marks, a success which has been seldom achieved by any student of NF schools in their educational quest. The result day was a day of celebration, not only for Afia and her family, but also for the entire Malik Pur community, the teachers who taught her, the school management team and the project management team who are working day and night with dedication for the success of this program. As a valued contributor, this is a moment of pride for you as well. Without your donations, this achievement would not have been possible.


It was education that boosted Afia’s confidence, and it was your donations that helped her achieve her educational goals. Afia deserves to get higher education, and this dream can become possible with your continued support.


Many success stories are still waiting to happen. Donate today to make them possible! 

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Organization Information

Fatima Memorial Hospital

Location: Lahore, Punjab - Pakistan
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @nur_crp
Project Leader:
Arif Kabani
Lahore , Punjab Pakistan

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