Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies

by Kids for Kids
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies
Healthcare to Save Mothers and Babies

Project Report | Nov 26, 2018
More Midwives Take on their Final Exams!

By Lori Casero | Project Leader

Midwives preparing for final exams
Midwives preparing for final exams

"I will never forget the fear on the faces of young girls when I first went to Darfur and they told me how babies are born with no medical help in their villages - rope delivery is unimaginable" - Patricia Parker MBE 

Amazing news for you all - our midwives training in El Fasher have just started their final exams and by the end of November will become qualified village midwives! They will graduate by the end of the month. All our fantastic supporters have made it possible for us to train another 37 midwives that will return to their villages in Darfur and provide life-saving services to mothers and babies. Rural villages have no health care and hospital is miles away - there are no roads, so you have to ride on a donkey to get there if there are any birth complications. At best hospitals are basic - many have no anaesthesia - and everything has to be paid for, which is often impossible for a mother living in a village.  Our midwives are trained in pre and post-natal care, and they help women to give birth safely. We are wishing them all luck for their final exams! Please send your positive and well wishing thoughts to our midwives. Just think how many lives they will be saving so soon! 

Things we had not expected as additional bonus for these wonderful volunteers:  women who are midwives have a qualification, a means to earn an income, and a much higher status in their villages. You have helped them to achieve this. You have changed their lives for good and all the women and babies they will be helping. 

With the holiday season right around the corner, this is the perfect time to donate to help us train more midwives to save more lives in Darfur! If only every village in Darfur could have a skilled midwife to help them, what a difference it could make. Can you help us train another midwife this year?  Every donation enables us to do more! In 2019 we will be adopting five new villages and training 10 volunteers as midwives - 2 in each village -  but we need your help!

All donations made through this project can be made on behalf of a loved one. Simply print off one of GlobalGiving's Gift Certificates or get in touch with our US volunteer, Mary Jane, directly at so we can make you a special personalised certificate (see example below).  If you are in the UK or anywhere else in the world, please reach out to for your personalised certificate. 

Please can you help to train more midwives?
Please can you help to train more midwives?


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Organization Information

Kids for Kids

Location: Dorking, Surrey - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @KidsforKids
Project Leader:
Patricia Parker
CEO & Chairman of Trustees
Dorking , Surrey United Kingdom
$30,355 raised of $35,000 goal
416 donations
$4,645 to go
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