By Alison Hendry | Program Administrator
Dear Friends,
We wanted to give you another look into the lives of the students studying at the Bon Monastery in Dolanji, India. In our last report we shared the students’ daily schedule and told you that students are placed into four ‘houses’. Each house has been named after one of the people responsible for spreading the teachings of the Tibetan Bon. The names are Dru-tsang, Zhu-tsang, Pa-tsang and Meu-tsang. These houses have various competitions throughout the year. Below you can see pictures of a costume competition that the students participated in. (We would really like to know what the student dressed as an alien used to turn themselves so blue!)
Each one of the younger students is paired with an older student who acts as their big brother or sister. The big ‘sibling’ generally helps the younger student adapt to life at the monastery. Together the students will eat a simple and delicious breakfast of Tibetan tea, bread, jam and eggs, before the older student helps the younger student get to class. (The top picture of this e-mail shows some older ‘brothers’ walking their younger ‘brothers’ to school.) Since all of the students studying at the Monastery are living far from their families, developing this bond between older and younger students helps to foster a sense of family and togetherness among all of the students.
The students at the monastery come from very poor homes or are orphans. The students are so thankful for the support that you give to them which allows them to attend school at this Monastery. As you can see from the pictures, the students are receiving a very high level of care while living and studying at the Bon Monastery, and your donations help to make that possible for them. Thank you so much.
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