Send a Child in India to School for a Year

by Seva Mandir
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Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year
Send a Child in India to School for a Year

Project Report | Mar 18, 2020
Protecting Shiksha Kendra Children from Covid-19

By Atul Lekhra | Programme Incharge


The Coronavirus has brought unprecedented challenges to the world and effected the lives of thousands of people. At the time of writing, no cases have yet been reported in Udaipur as the Government ramps up preventative measures.

As an organisation, we are responsible not just for educating our employees about preventative measures and good hygiene practices, but also those who we work with, such as children in Shiksha Kendras (Seva Mandir’s Bridge Schools).

Hygiene practices, such as washing hands, are a weapon against Coronavirus. Proper hygiene practices have been are a regular part of Shiksha Kendras, so children already have the ability to combat this virus from the outset. They are being encouraged by the Shiksha Kendra teachers to use their knowledge to protect themselves and those around them. Without your support, this may not have been possible.

The Indian Government recently shut all schools until the 31st of March, and Seva Mandir has followed their advice and closed all Shiksha Kendras. This was a major decision for the organisation, as the importance of education for these children is a priority. However, considering the severity of the ongoing situation, ensuring the children and their family are healthy is most important.

As the teachers are from the remote communities themselves, they are able to check in on the children and their families to ensure that they are ok, giving advice where needed.

Thanks to your support, you have given these children and teachers and the knowledge and tools to help prevent this virus from spreading in rural and tribal communities.

We have faith that the Rajasthan, India, and the world will be able to weather this storm as we have weathered many in the past.

Please ensure to follow your local authority’s advice on how to protect yourself and your loved ones.


Atul Lekhra and the Seva Mandir team


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Organization Information

Seva Mandir

Location: Udaipur, Rajasthan - India
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @sevamandir
Project Leader:
Ronak Shah
Udaipur , Rajasthan (INDIA) India
$975,977 raised of $980,000 goal
16,497 donations
$4,023 to go
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