Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community

by Limitless Horizons IXIL
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Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community
Empower Maya Youth in a Post-Genocide Community

Project Report | Oct 31, 2018
Alumni Spotlight: Elisia

By Leslie Meyer | Development and Communications Specialist

Elisia at work as an administrative assistant
Elisia at work as an administrative assistant

One of the most rewarding things about our work is getting to see the amazing impact our scholars and alumni are having in Chajul. We recently caught up with Elisia, a Youth Development Program alumna who shared with us the inspiring story of how she became an educator and leader in her community.

Like many in Chajul, Elisia was raised in an impoverished household. In a simple wooden home with a dirt floor, her family of six shared just two make-shift beds made of wooden planks. Elisia loved going to school and had dreams of building a better life for herself through education, but her parents couldn’t afford to keep supporting her studies beyond elementary school. At that time, Limitless Horizons Ixil had just started offering scholarships and support to middle schoolers in Chajul. Elisia knew little about the new program but applied anyway, eager for any opportunity to stay in school.

Thirteen years have passed since Elisia joined our Youth Development Program, and she has gone further than she ever thought possible. The academic support and mentorship she received from Limitless Horizons Ixil throughout middle school, high school, and beyond prepared her to achieve her childhood dream of graduating from university and obtaining her teaching license. She now works as a math teacher at a local middle school and as an administrative assistant at an organization that provides university scholarships to Chajul's youth. She loves her work and earns fair wages that allow her to support her family.

We could not be prouder of Elisia and are especially excited about how she is using her personal success to effect change in the community. Elisia told us, “I worked hard so that I could achieve my goals, but I wasn’t only fighting for myself, I was also fighting for my community.” Thanks to her college education, Elisia is bringing quality teaching skills to her classroom in Chajul and is a professional role model for her students. “Every day, I am motivated by the idea that I can give my students a reason to dream big,” Elisia says.

Your partnership has made it possible for alumni like Elisia to reach their goals and share their success with their community. Today, the Youth Development Program continues to support young people so that they can reach their full potential. We build personal relationships with all of our scholars to help them confidently articulate their interests and make plans for their future. In addition, our new Emerging Leaders Program provides opportunities for all alumni to further cultivate their leadership skills through specialized workshops, mentoring, and professional experiences. Thanks to you, we are able to support youth so that they can follow their dreams, providing a better future for themselves, their families and their community.   

We are thrilled at Elisia's achievements and her generosity towards others. Your support is essential to offering youth like her opportunities to accomplish their goals and become leaders in their community -- thank you for partnering with us as we work towards transformational change in Chajul!

Elisia is proud to give back to her community
Elisia is proud to give back to her community
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Organization Information

Limitless Horizons IXIL

Location: San Gaspar Chajul, El Quiche - Guatemala
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Heather White
San Gaspar Chajul , El Quiche Guatemala
$66,319 raised of $75,000 goal
435 donations
$8,681 to go
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