Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers

by Keep The Dream196
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Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers

Project Report | Jun 7, 2019
Words of encouragement from our Supporters, YOU!!!

By Louise Batty | Managing Director

Welcome all our new supporters to Keep The Dream196 Community,

I trust you will find this report interesting and inspiring concerning the impact we are achieving on your behalf with the children we serve. To all our longer standing supporters, G’DAY and thank you for your continued support and interest in the work we do.

I thought today I would share some comments that you have made on GlobalGiving’s site to me. Some of these comments are from people who I know and other comments by people I don't know who have visited our program personally.

Anyway I thought it would be interesting for you to have feedback from other supporters just like you. 

"I have visited them, have been donating for years and know that every cent is spent on the children and their programmes. The few paid staff work for low wages because they love what they do and can see positive results for their efforts. Many deprived children are encouraged and enabled to go to schools and their exam results exceed the average for the Province enabling them to go to university or higher education. The children are encouraged to become Scout Leaders so that they can organise and raise money to go to camps thus giving them additional useful life skills. " Bob

"I contribute to this program and rate this program highly because of its continued caring and success rate in growing scouts, orphans, as well as community members into contributing connected adults who care about each other. I believe in the miracle of Keep the Dream." Anonymous

"I love what KTD196 are doing. They are relevant and vital!“ Anonymous

 “I choose to give contribute my time, energy and commitment to KTD196 as the programme resonates with my interest in community development. The programme deals with fundamental challenges that our children and their care givers are experiencing.  It also assists in providing guidance to the young ones. 

"The love KTD196 team show to the children also drew me closer to the organization. Seeing them happy and full of life brings hope that they are really prepared to be better individuals. 

The contribution KTD196 is making in reducing social ills such as teen pregnancy and substance abuse gives me comfort knowing that we are making a difference for the future generations.”  Gillian – Board Member

“"KTD is now being recognised by donors that they are all about the children and their parents and that they have something positive to offer the community.”  Principal of one of the schools in which we work.

"The results speak for themselves. I know that every dollar contributed is spent on the children. Donors to the programme can be assured that their money is well spent on the kids and not on administration” Liz

"I have visited the project and seen evidence of its impact. This NGO has few overheads so most of the money goes to the programmes for the children. KTD produces results that are verifiable. Scouting gives young people something to do and something to aim for" Meg

"I see that the program works to reduce teen pregnancy/maternal mortality, and helps children become responsible adults. What excites me even more is the program expansion. They have extended the original borders from Greater Tzaneen Sub-district to Limpopo province. They have a presence in 4 out of 5 Districts which is outstanding! Keep it up! " Robert 

"Low overheads and administration costs and outcomes can be supported by statistics, careful management and good book keeping. The programme encourages children to stay in and return to school to get an education which is the only way they will be able to progress through life and break the cycle of poverty and crime. Their matric results show that KTD196 is successful in this area." Sue

"The Director and staff are on minimal salaries and overheads are kept to a minimum. Every dollar/rand is carefully spent and accounted for. Donors can be assured that their donations go to the children and not to the overheads" Fred

"They make a positive impact on the lives of children who otherwise would become rudderless. They provide a code for living through the Scouting Movement which enables them to achieve goals that they could only dream of." Anonymous

"Your operations in KTD 196 have been going for many years and you have all managed to extend your reach but keep your standards in all the areas you work in....an amazing achievement and a huge gift to all you influence. it is humbling to see your work." Anonymous

"You're doing a fantastic work, giving under privileged children the hand up and skills they need to live a meaningful and productive life." Andrew

As you can see a variety of comments from people who are well informed about the work we do. Please if you have any questions or comments, let me know through the feedback channels available at the end of this report or email me on keepthedream196@gmail.com

None of this is possible without your support; your support is saving lives. Your support is creating a hope and a future for the children we serve. We have been working together for 12years. Some of you have been with us for the whole time we have been with GlobalGiving which is 7years. Thank you just doesn’t cut it because we are seeing the fruit of our labours every day. I wish I could transport you all here so you can see first-hand the impact we are achieving and hear first-hand from the children whose lives you have touched. 

You are more than welcome to come for a visit anytime. 




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May 30, 2019
Preparing for Winter Camp

By Louise Batty | Managing Director

May 17, 2019
Specifics of Parenting Training

By Louise Batty | Managing Director

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Organization Information

Keep The Dream196

Location: Tzaneen, Limpopo - South Africa
Project Leader:
Louise Batty
Tzaneen , Limpopo South Africa
$33,895 raised of $150,000 goal
394 donations
$116,105 to go
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