Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers

by Keep The Dream196
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Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers
Empowering Girls and Women as Mothers

Project Report | May 1, 2024
Vutomi's story and dream for the future!

By Louise and the Dream Team | Director

Vutomi at Camp in 2023
Vutomi at Camp in 2023

I am starting this email to say how grateful I am for the support KTD196 and I receive from you! It is very special to know some of you by face, some of you for years and years, some of you for decades.

This month I have travelled to Australia to see my family and friends, my dad is 93yrs of age, and so I know I am very privileged to say I still have him around. During this time, it has been wonderful to see supporters, who have become friends, and friends who have become supporters! I am amazed how many people pick up the vision of the work we do and support KTD196.

I am very humbled by the quality of friends I have and their commitment to KTD196.

Thank you for being who you are, thank you for supporting the women and children we serve. Thank you for seeing the authenticity and transparency in the work we do and what we are trying to create. We are seriously changing lives, families and communities, none of which would be possible without you!

God Bless you!


ps while I am here, if you are in Australia and would like to get in touch please contact me at director@keepthedream196.com I am still working just remotely.


Hello I am Vutomi from 1st Shiluvane Scouts. I joined scouts January 2022 when my mum moved to Shiluvane. Well the Co-founder of Keep The Dream is also my aunt and she introduced me to the organization. I knew nothing about what scouting was and she technically explained everything to me and how things are done. Since the beginning I loved it, I became more interested with time.

I won't lie, I was a good child raised from a Sunday School. I was very shy and had low self-esteem, I never believed in myself. I have developed and learned leadership skills and it boosted my self-confidence. I quite learnt a lot and got to socialize often. I have become a more confident child, I easily make friends and I am part of the leadership for my troop. I have to care, train and support the younger children in my patrol.

It's quite amazing that none of our children are involved in gangs instead we have created positive gangs called patrols. The children have a sense of belonging, identity, support and encouragement in these group which can improve their self-esteem and self-awareness. Mental health is very important which is why once children are surrounded in the support group and have the social support they need it reduces the impact of negative life events.

The problem that KTD196 is facing is reducing the increase in teenage pregnancy because it's not easy for children to be caring for babies at a young age. I think that some of these cases are due to rape which is why KTD196 is there to help young girls to speak up and find safe places for them. The patrol system is such an important part of the support and care we give and through the support the girls and boys don’t go looking for sex, also they keep us very busy.

When I leave school I want to go to varsity and study to be a geologist or a doctor.

I also hope to finish my Scout journey with a Springbok award and then go on to Rovers and even continue further. KTD196 has a huge impact on people lives and I personally want to thank people for supporting KTD196 it really is making a difference in the community where I live.



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Organization Information

Keep The Dream196

Location: Tzaneen, Limpopo - South Africa
Project Leader:
Louise Batty
Tzaneen , Limpopo South Africa
$33,771 raised of $150,000 goal
391 donations
$116,229 to go
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