Empowering the Girl Child through Education

by The Needy Today
Empowering the Girl Child through Education
Empowering the Girl Child through Education
Empowering the Girl Child through Education
Empowering the Girl Child through Education

Project Report | Oct 19, 2021
Empowering the girl child

By Hannah Bangura | Project Officer

Dear Donors and GlobalGiving,

Empowering the Girl through Education Project is a Life Changing activity that continues to impact the lives of children in rural Sierra Leone in the Northern Region.  Amongst various communities the project is becoming more popular due to its role in the lives of these girl children, giving rights and power to girls has been the bedrock of this project, which has helped a lot of girls regain their lost dignities. The organisation engaged in mass sensitisation in various communities (Moria Pan House,  Mathinka, Mokondo, Laya, Kerefay Etc) about the important of educating the girl child and also frustrate the efforts of the cultural norms in these communities. According to the traditional leaders in these various communities they have never got such an opportunity to receive messages and support from any organisation. But with our intervention it will make a huge difference in the lives of these girls and women in their communities. 

With the support from Loreal Fund for Women, the organisation was able to conduct training for women and girls in sustainable agriculture practices, business skills, gender skills .  At the end of the training the organisation provided these women and girls varieties of seeds to enable them plant to address the issue of food shortages in their communities.  The communities have harvested their first variety which is groundnut, and they are looking frward to a bumpy harvet of rice in December or January. These women and girls were in jubilant mood when they receive the support.

The project still continues with it engagement to end or stop early and forceful marriages. From our engagement, we came to realise that bike riders are more in the habit of impregnating young girls, our focus was shifted to engage these riders in an effort to cushion this situation.  

We are working very hard along with law makers to popularise the child right act, so people will be well aware about it and also emphases on the dangers of rape and sexual assaults.

With this we want to say thank you for your continued supports and we hope we can able to support more children if funds are available.

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Organization Information

The Needy Today

Location: Makeni City - Sierra Leone
The Needy Today
Dauda Koroma
Project Leader:
Dauda Koroma
Makeni City , Sierra Leone

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