Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income

by Hope for Our Sisters, Inc.
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income
Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income

Project Report | Dec 31, 2022
Hope for Our Sisters December 2022 Impact Report

By Brooke Fowler Sulahian | HFOS President & Co-Founder

Sisters in Aftercare Program
Sisters in Aftercare Program

Greetings to all! The team at Hope For Our Sisters Inc., in partnership with the Aftercare team at CEML Hospital in Lubango, Angola, is pleased to bring you our latest impact report for our project to "Enable 50 Women in Angola to Generate Income.". We have an exciting report for you, but want to first share that we continue to be so very thankful for your generous support in bringing this program to our brave sisters who have suffered from fistula and are living at the patient villas at CEML either awaiting or recovering from surgery. As you know, this critical program equips them with literacy, numeracy, and language classes and teaches them marketable skills such as gardening, sewing, and crafting that they can take forward into their lives outside of the hospital to support themselves and others in their families and communities. These women are learning that they are able, and amazing, and so deserving of these opportunities. We cannot thank you enough for helping them to realize their dreams to learn new things and become more self-sufficient. 

We are excited to share that there were as many as 40 women involved in the Aftercare Program during these last three months of 2022! This is the largest number of sweet sisters present since COVID began. The team reports that they and the women experienced "hope", "joy" and "contagious joy". What a gift!

The team shared how the women continue to learn to read and write. We included a picture of Chipule signing her name for the very first time! The literacy program was once just a dream and now is equipping our sisters as they step into their future. Even though not yet healed from fistula, courageous and hopeful Irma got married! Since so many husbands leave their wives when they develop fistula, this marriage provides hope to our sisters and speaks of Irma's husband's love for her despite her injury. Our sisters continue to create beautiful items to sell in the local markets. It is our hope that we can purchase some of these items to sell in America later this year. Lastly, the Aftercare Team is working to ensure the sewing and craft arm of the full program is self-sustaining!

We hope you are continuing to enjoy these reports every four months and, as always, we welcome your feedback or suggestions to Brooke, HFOS President & Co-Founder, at brooke@hopeforoursisters.org. For more regular updates on all our programs, please visit our website and sign up for our Constant Contact updates 1-2 times per month, or follow us on Facebook! Thank you again for your incredible generosity and support of this cause and these amazing women.

Chipule signing her name for the first time!
Chipule signing her name for the first time!
Irma's wedding!
Irma's wedding!
Sisters making baskets.
Sisters making baskets.
New crafts being created.
New crafts being created.
Aftercare Team.
Aftercare Team.


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Organization Information

Hope for Our Sisters, Inc.

Location: Melrose, MA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Brooke Sulahian
Wakefield , MA United States

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