Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families

by Mboni ya Vijana Group
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Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families
Enable 500 Tanzanian youth to feed their families

Project Report | Feb 23, 2021
School garden launched!

By Benedicto Hosea | Project Leader

Planting seeds in the school garden
Planting seeds in the school garden

Zeze is a village living in extreme poverty. Most people are subsistence farmers living off the limited crops they can grow in the rainy seasons – thus, food insecurity is common. In children, this lack of nutrition can lead to various problems, including stunting of growth and also impedes on their learning due to the effects on cognition and a lack of energy.


Fundraising for School Gardens

At the end of last year, we spent a month raising money to create a school garden to feed our students, and we raised $600! Thanks to the very generous donations this will go to create a 1500 square-foot school garden that will feed 450 students. We will plant food that may be simple but will provide a nutritious meal for the students at school – cassava and maize to make porridge, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, such as mango trees, spinach, and carrots. We cannot wait to see updates from the students with their new school garden this year…in time for the international year of fruit and vegetables!


Our First Harvests from Our First Greenhouses

The end of last year also saw us harvest our very first crops from our greenhouses! We had a brilliant harvest of tomatoes and peppers. The greenhouses have been yet another thing that has brought our community together to help tend to the crops, with people of all ages lending a hand! We are incredibly grateful for the greenhouses that help us to expand our growing seasons – increasing our food security and income generation for the village.


Titye Water Pump

With the generous help of Kwanda, we have managed to bring water to 1200 locals, including 486 students at Titye secondary school. The locals and students would have to walk over 2.3km a day to fetch their water from a stream – something that could take over two hours of their day. However, after hand-drilling a bore hole and installing a handmade water pump, they now have access to water. Importantly, this also means that the students can spend those two hours a day remaining in school, improving their education and prospects for the future.


Ntamya Water Pump

At Ntamya secondary school, students would have to walk 3 miles to a run-off of a river to collect their water – a run-off that could often dry up. After our successful Christmas campaign for water, we were able to install a pump for these students and the locals, giving them access to clean water and preventing them from having to walk that daily 3-mile walk.

First tomato harvest in our greenhouse
First tomato harvest in our greenhouse
Titye School Pump
Titye School Pump
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Organization Information

Mboni ya Vijana Group

Location: Kigoma - Tanzania, United Republic of
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @MboniVijana
Project Leader:
Benedicto Benedicto
Kigoma , Tanzania, United Republic of

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