Feed 1200 children and 400 women in slums

by Joy for Children-Uganda
Feed 1200 children and 400 women in slums
Feed 1200 children and 400 women in slums
Feed 1200 children and 400 women in slums
Feed 1200 children and 400 women in slums
Feed 1200 children and 400 women in slums
Feed 1200 children and 400 women in slums

Project Report | Jun 21, 2021
Feed the Hungry.

By karungi Sandra | Fundraiser

On Friday 19th, the president of the republic of Uganda,re -imposed a lockdown as part of an effort to prevent its COVID-19 surge from overwhelming the healthcare system. The lockdown is set to last 42 days and includes the closure of schools, open-market shutdowns, suspended church services, some travel limits, closure of both private and public transport among other restrictions.

The corona virus pandemic has brought hunger to millions of people around the world and Uganda is no exception. In the slums of Kampala, the country’s capital city, Children and women are most affected as most them live on hand to mouth. With the second lockdown being reins stated, there is so much worry among the households.

Uncertainty over food is building up, where daily-wage workers with little or no social safety net face a future where hunger is a more immediate threat then the virus. People continue to go to bed hungry, skip meals frequently, and are un able to afford nutritious meals because of low incomes.

Last year we were blessed to receive food donations for the vulnerable women and Children and the slum communities of Bwaise, Makerere Kivulu and Bukoto. Households received maize flour, Beans, Cooking oil and Milk powder to supplement on their daily meals.

Our campaign is still on to feed 1200 Children and 400 women during lockdown, kindly support our cause and donate.

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Organization Information

Joy for Children-Uganda

Location: Kampala, Uganda - Uganda
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @joyforchildren
Project Leader:
Joy for Children Uganda
Kampala , Uganda
$2,997 raised of $6,354 goal
27 donations
$3,357 to go
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