Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand

by Hand to Hand Foundation
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand
Feed 1275 slum dwellers for a year in Thailand

Project Report | Dec 28, 2020
Food for the Hungry of Pattaya

By Margaret Grainger | Vice President Hand to hand Foundation

Feeding families with young children.
Feeding families with young children.

The number of people coming to Pattaya for tourism has been very low since March. The hopes that the tourists would come back and breathe life into the many businesses is getting fainter by the day. Nine months into the effects of Covid 19 many people in Pattaya are getting even more desperate. The little government assistance that was available to the few has dried up. This means there are even more people now living on the poverty line.

One of the remarkable things that encourage us greatly is that we are finding those who have a little are sharing with those who have nothing. The spirit of generosity and care for other members of the community are drawing those in the city even closer together.

Hand to Hand visits over 100 families every week, up from 77 families we were feeding at the beginning of the year. This number continues to grow families are referred by Pattaya City Social workers and families we meet in our visits to the slums.

We have a very comprehensive process that families must go through in order to receive assistance. This is so that we effectively meet the needs of each individual family whilst also ensuring that the family actually needs assistance. One of the newest families we have met involves a family of 4. The 2 children could no longer attend school due to a lack of finances. The father has had a severe motorbike accident and is completely paralysed and the other is his full-time carer, thus she is also unable to work. The family could not afford food, rent, education and medical treatment, etc. Hand to Hand Foundation has provided them with a free room, the children are on our scholarship program, we assist with medical needs and pampers for the dad and of course, they also have food. Assisting this family goes well beyond just taking them food every week. Our approach is holistic to provide the best support we possibly can. This family is one story of many. 

Thank you so much for all of your generosity that makes such a huge difference to many families.

Babies need extra care
Babies need extra care
The elderly often have no one else to help them.
The elderly often have no one else to help them.
Bringing food and hope!
Bringing food and hope!
Signing for food parcels, ensuring accountability.
Signing for food parcels, ensuring accountability.
The poor bringing food they have grown to share.
The poor bringing food they have grown to share.
They are so thankful.
They are so thankful.
It's not just about food but love too!
It's not just about food but love too!


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Organization Information

Hand to Hand Foundation

Location: Pattaya - Thailand
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Margaret Grainger
Pattaya , Chon Buri Thailand

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