Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything

by Fellow Mortals Wildlife Hospital
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Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything

Project Report | May 11, 2021
That old tree is my home!

By Yvonne Wallace Blane | Co-founder, Fellow Mortals

Newly-hatched screech owls
Newly-hatched screech owls

That old dead tree in your yard, or along the road may not have any leaves this year--but there is life inside!

It could be spiders or other insects, or it could be wild baby birds and mammals.

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) was passed over 100 years ago to protect wildlife from being taken, injured, or killed, after some species were taken to the brink of extinction by wanton killing.

Wildlife doesn't belong to anyone--all of us are stewards of wild ones and the earth.

Fellow Mortals has admitted more orphaned and injured wild birds and mammals as a result of tree cutting this spring than ever in the past.  Tree cutting is being done everywhere--and we know thousands of wild ones are being killed and orphaned as a result.

Why are trees being cut?  To make room for roads, gas pipelines, double-wide mobile homes, because they restrict view, and sometimes because the trees or dead limbs pose a hazard if left standing.

Most often--there is no thought about what might be living inside until it's too late.

We are thankful for the caring people who don't just walk away when they find life inside a fallen branch or tree trunk--like the people who have recently rescued and brought screech owl and sparrow nestlings and eggs, and infant squirrels to us for care--and we are thankful to all of YOU who make it possible for us to feed these hungry babies.

If you have a dead branch or tree on your property, ask yourself if it's a danger.  If not--please consider letting it fall on its own time and in the meantime let it provide a home for the wild ones.

That old dead tree has lots of life in it yet!

Nestling screech owls with newhatch babies
Nestling screech owls with newhatch babies
Infant Grey squirrels
Infant Grey squirrels
Nestling great horned owl
Nestling great horned owl
Newly-hatched sparrows and egg
Newly-hatched sparrows and egg


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Organization Information

Fellow Mortals Wildlife Hospital

Location: Lake Geneva, Wisconsin - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @FellowMortals1
Project Leader:
Yvonne Wallace Blane
Lake Geneva , Wisconsin United States
$108,432 raised of $150,000 goal
2,346 donations
$41,568 to go
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