Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything

by Fellow Mortals Wildlife Hospital
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Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything
Fellow Mortals--Compassion Changes Everything

Project Report | Feb 3, 2015
A Greater Gift

By Yvonne Wallace Blane | Co-founder, Fellow Mortals

Grey squirrel (admitted with head injury)
Grey squirrel (admitted with head injury)

“We would trade every one of our hands-on experiences with wild creatures to have each of them still free and healthy in the wild.”

As Fellow Mortals begins its 30th consecutive year of providing care to injured and orphaned wild ones, it seems appropriate to revisit our very first newsletter, published in the winter of 1992, shortly after we had released the Canada geese who survived one of the worst cases of lead poisoning ever documented. Our mission today is exactly what it was that winter:  to provide comfort and care, with the hope of eventual release to the wild.

Of the 1800-2300 animals we care for annually, a handful are threatened or endangered; a few more are uncommon. The smallest percentage of the animals brought to us for care are generally considered ‘cool’ or ‘sexy.’ The vast majority of Fellow Mortals’ work consists of caring for the ‘common’ species which share our world.

Squirrels and rabbits, sparrows and ducks are always represented in our patient lists.  Though they may occur commonly in the wild, it does not make the individuals any less important.  We admire the tenacity of these wild creatures who are often taken for granted and sometimes reviled or considered ‘pests.’ We believe in the value of all life and in equality of care.

“It is not just the endangered to which we must assign a priority, or the magnificent, for their grandeur affords them a certain protection. The common sparrow, the familiar cottontail—those creatures who share our backyards and our daily lives deserve and need us just as much.

The imperfect, the injured, those born too young, born too late, are those you bring to us for care and, though the situation may be sad, each individual always bears a greater gift by inspiring our compassion. In healing, we are healed.” Yvonne Wallace Blane @ 1989

As we look forward to another year of serving wildlife and the compassionate people who care about wild creatures, Fellow Mortals' mission statement:  "Fellow Mortals is more than a place; it is a living philosophy based on the belief that encouraging compassion in humans toward all life brings out the finest aspects of our humanity," continues to influence the direction of our organization.

Thank you for helping us to honor our commitment and continue our work to honor the value of each life.

Canada goose (admitted with lead poisoning)
Canada goose (admitted with lead poisoning)
Cottontail rabbit (head injury; hit by a car)
Cottontail rabbit (head injury; hit by a car)
Female cardinal (unreleaseable, foster bird)
Female cardinal (unreleaseable, foster bird)
Screech owl (starving because of fractured wing)
Screech owl (starving because of fractured wing)
Cover story, Fellow Mortals' 1st newsletter
Cover story, Fellow Mortals' 1st newsletter


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Organization Information

Fellow Mortals Wildlife Hospital

Location: Lake Geneva, Wisconsin - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @FellowMortals1
Project Leader:
Yvonne Wallace Blane
Lake Geneva , Wisconsin United States
$108,432 raised of $150,000 goal
2,346 donations
$41,568 to go
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