Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education

by South American Initiative
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Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education
Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education
Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education
Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education
Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education
Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education
Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education
Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education
Help Venezuelan Orphans: Food, Medicine, Education

Project Report | Apr 13, 2022
SAI's Venezuelan Orphanages !!!

By steven malca | President

Our children love recreational activities
Our children love recreational activities

SAI helps more children in Venezuela:

The South American Initiative Organization is very proud to announce to all our GlobalGiving donors that we have recently added a new orphanage to our orphan program. The orphanage includes 55 children and is located in a rural area of Vanezuela. SAI staff is providing medical examinations that include the following: checking blood pressure,  respitory system, eyes, ears, skin, abdominal area and receiving an EKG. In addition, the children receive a nutrition evaluation, medicines, multivitamins and antibiotics. 

Our  food distribution to the orphanages has provided a total 12,850 meals druing the past 3 months.  Food consists of fruits, vegetables, and proteins.

SAI provides a fitness trainer for the orphanages who works with the orphans doing exercises to improve balance, flexibility, and coordination. Our purpose is to help orphans  stay healthy and reduce the risk of future diseases. The orphans enjoy the fitness training that they receive.


SAI Food distribution!
SAI Food distribution!
SAI Team visiting the orphans!
SAI Team visiting the orphans!
Doctors make sure each child is healthy.
Doctors make sure each child is healthy.
SAI's personal trainer providing physical fitness
SAI's personal trainer providing physical fitness
Exercise Activities
Exercise Activities
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Organization Information

South American Initiative

Location: Plantation, FL - USA
Project Leader:
Blade Thomas
Plantation , FL United States
$36,205 raised of $37,000 goal
515 donations
$795 to go
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