Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia

by Globalteer
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Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia
Free education for 300 children in rural Cambodia

Project Report | Feb 9, 2018
New year and positive changes at Helping Hands

By Sita ter Horst | Helping Hands Program Manager

Lap teaches our volunteer-students First-Aid!
Lap teaches our volunteer-students First-Aid!

After the bustling and busy times that the end-of-year always brings, plus the excitement of settling into our new school, things at Helping Hands are now slowly getting into a mellow flow. This has given us time to reflect, process and make room for some very positive changes in the new year!

Final building is done!
We are excited to announce that the last building of our new school is finalized: the new kitchen!

Thanks to our generous donors Saga Charitable Trust Foundation and Brian Kuhl, who  funded the new kitchen build, we now have a wonderful big space for preparing our students' breakfasts. The new kitchen also includes two secure storage rooms, so that we can store valuable school materials! 

2018: Empowerment at full blast
At the beginning of this year, we’ve had to say goodbye to our very much-loved Project Coordinator Nang, who was with us for three years, but has now embarked on new adventures. Although we are very sad to see Nang leave, his departure has made it possible to promote someone else into his role; someone who we believe is more than ready for this amazing opportunity - our very own English Teacher Sopheap! Sopheap, born and raised in the village, started out as Helping Hands’ very first young English teacher with little experience but big determination and eagerness to learn. In the 10 years that followed, Sopheap has grown out into a phenomenal teacher, active community member and he is a born leader, empowering his own and the younger generation to improve their lives in the village. His story is one of the most successful ones in the history of Helping Hands – and he is the perfect person to now finally fill the shoes of coordinating Helping Hands, alongside our Globalteer management team.

Empowering the villagers and building up the dignity of the community as a whole has always been Helping Hands objective and strength. Alongside Sopheap, also Sister Rhi, our gardener, has been able to fulfil a new position. Rhi - who, when starting out at Helping Hands a few years ago - couldn’t read or write and still had lots to learn in farming, has now become literate, grows the most delicious veggies in the region (we believe!;) – all because of her urge to learn, grow and develop – taking on all learning opportunities that Helping Hands could offer her. That is why now, Rhi has proudly taken on the very important responsibility of coordinating our breakfast program.

We are 100% certain that both Rhi and Sopheap will shine in their new roles.

Fun learning is productive learning!
We can all agree - when we are having fun, we learn much better and faster. Especially for young children, who only have a 10 to 15 minutes concentration span, it is important to keep having fun during their classes – to keep up their attention and remember better what they learn. That is why, we’ve been encouraging more and more creativity into the classroom and organising fun days for our students, where the main goal is: to have fun! Just before Christmas, we had a Christmas crafts day organised by some of our long-term volunteers, and we are now organising a soccer tournament, which will take place in March.

Increasing Student-Teacher time
Now that we have more classroom space and our teacher team is complete – we can finally increase our student-teacher time and make creativity a permanent part of our curriculum. That is why we have recently introduced weekly ‘extra-classes’. Every Monday, all students receive one extra hour of class, and to empower our teachers to use more creativity in their own lessons, Arts is one of the three subjects for the extra classes, alongside Khmer Literacy and Mathematics.

Helping Hands Alumni giving back!
Do you remember our Grade 9 students who graduated in November? We are very happy to announce that five of them have come back to Helping Hands, volunteering every day after school in our library - keeping it clean and tidy, helping the younger students with their homework or reading with them. One of the volunteer-students is now shadowing our Social Worker a few days a week when she does home visits, and in the future some of them will spend more time in the classroom assisting our teachers with their classes.

Another great success that we want to share is that Lap, one of our Scholarship Students will graduate this month from his University course of Nursing and Midwifery! In between the end of his classes and his final exam, he also wanted to give back to Helping Hands – so he spent the month of January volunteering at with us, training our five volunteer-students in First Aid and tidying up our first aid box and supplies.

In line with our vision of empowering the villagers to help themselves, creating opportunities like these are immensely important. The hands-on experience these volunteer-students - who still have three years to go until they finish high school - will gain from working with us, will give them the opportunity to explore different working fields and have good job opportunities in the future.

Small donations for Big Impact
As you may know, Helping Hands’ work can only continue with the help of generous donors like you! We are currently in big need of donations to be able to continue helping our village.

No matter how small your contribution or donation, here in Cambodia it can make a huge impact in the lives of our students.

We know that some of our supporters don’t have the opportunity to fundraise or give big amounts – and that is why we want to encourage more small, but sustainable giving!

You can already get involved by becoming a monthly donor for just a small amount. An amount as small as a dollar will already make a difference!


A big thank you to all of our supporters and donors – who make it possible for us to continue empowering, helping and teaching here in Cambodia.

Rhi in the garden with two Food&Farming volunteers
Rhi in the garden with two Food&Farming volunteers
Making Christmas crafts on Fun Day!
Making Christmas crafts on Fun Day!
Our final building is done: the kitchen!
Our final building is done: the kitchen!
Extra class on Monday: Arts & Crafts!
Extra class on Monday: Arts & Crafts!
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Organization Information


Location: Totnes - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Stephen Elliott
Totnes , United Kingdom
$78,230 raised of $90,000 goal
1,101 donations
$11,770 to go
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