From Poop to Fuel

by Asociacion Tu'ik Ruch' Lew
From Poop to Fuel

Project Report | May 18, 2022
Update on Poop to Fuel Project

By Candis E. Krummel | President, Board of Directors

Candelaria Reanda Sosof
Candelaria Reanda Sosof

Project from Poop to Fuel


Update on the “Poop to Fuel” Project 

In a Holding Pattern

Hello Dear Donors to TRL’s Biogas Digester Pilot Program,

I am happy to report that life seems to be normalizing in Santiago Atitlan, after so many months of COVID19 problems.  I hope that wherever you are located, you too, are sharing the feelings of optimism and energy which comes with seeing light at the end of a long, dark tunnel! 

In our last report in January, Dr. Jessica Kind, Head of Environmental Science for TRL, explained that our pilot project faces several obstacles: 

  • David LaMotte School has not received primary school accreditation for 2022. Accreditation was planned for mid-2021. During the accreditation phase, however, shortcomings were discovered, resulting in postponement of full accreditation. We are waiting to see what happens. It is worth noting that the biodigester system can be retrofitted at any time. 
  • However, due to COVID restrictions, schools are still closed throughout 2022, i.e. full-time, in-person classes are still suspended in Guatemala. If no one is pooping in the biodigester, no gas can be produced to demonstrate the circular system. Smooth operation is crucial for a successful demonstration project. 

Unfortunately, these conditions still exist. The school is moving forward to comply with the accreditation requirements for grades 1-6 and they will be presenting their application again to the Ministry of Education by June 30, 2022.  We should know if they are approved for primary grades by October of this year. 

Meanwhile, the school has been approved for pre-school classes and a number of the youngest children are present at the school for limited, in-class activities.

Ready for Action 

The best news is that TRL has a brand new employee, who has  joined our outreach team. Candelaria Reanda Sosof, a Tz’utujil Maya, is finishing her BA in Social Work, which she will receive before the end of the year. Candy will be immersed in all of the outreach activities of TRL, so that she can learn about our various projects.

Candy has a wide range of community experience in Santiago Atitlan and many neighboring communities. Her volunteer activities obtaining and distributing emergency food supplies during the pandemic in her home community of Tzanchaj -- the very community where we will be installing the demonstration project -- make her the ideal person to lead the biogas digester project, when we can finally go ahead. 

We feel poised on the brink of a very exciting new project, ready to dive in and get it moving!  Your donations are safely set aside until we can begin…..we thank you so much for your continuing support!

Wishing you a lovely day,


President, Board of Directors


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Organization Information

Asociacion Tu'ik Ruch' Lew

Location: Santiago Atitlan, Solola - Guatemala
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Candis E. Krummel
Santiago Atitlan , Solola Guatemala
$9,481 raised of $15,000 goal
78 donations
$5,519 to go
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