Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia

by Power of Love Foundation
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Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia

Project Report | May 9, 2018
Your Support is Keeping HIV+ Orphans and Vulnerable Children Free from Diseases

By Alka Subramanian | Executive Director

Girl discussing school with her healthcare worker
Girl discussing school with her healthcare worker

We would like to wish all moms a Happy Mother’s Day. Here is an update from the field that will make you smile. 

Cholera outbreak: Zambia went through a cholera outbreak beginning in October 2017. The impact of this outbreak was severe in Lusaka and especially in our community of Matero and the surrounding communities of Chipata, Kanyama, Chawama, Chilenje and Chelston due to contaminated water supplies, contaminated food, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene practices in these areas. 

Action taken by the Government: The Ministry of Health stepped in to take measures to control and prevent the spread of cholera in December 2017. Street vending businesses and other open markets were identified as areas that could aggravate the outbreak due to untreated trash and poor sanitation in the community. In December 2017, President Edgar Lungu directed the military to clean markets and unblock drains to help to fight the spread of the disease. Schools were closed, and meetings of more than 2-3 people were not allowed till January end. According to the Minister of Health, 1.3 million people were vaccinated against cholera by late January. Schools and markets that were closed to prevent the spread of cholera started reopening mid-January 2018. At present, the cholera outbreak is under control.

Direct Impact on children enrolled in our program: Most of the beneficiary families live in Matero, one of the areas severely impacted by the cholera outbreak. Co-infections rates between cholera and HIV are high; and cholera can be fatal for children living with HIV. However, none of the 350 HIV+ children under our care contracted cholera. We attribute this result to the ongoing training and education provided by our health care staff. We are proud of our team on the ground. 

Thanks for your continued caring and support for HIV+ orphans and vulnerable children in Zambia.

Home visit for a health check by the Project Nurse
Home visit for a health check by the Project Nurse
A beneficiary family
A beneficiary family
One of the children on our program
One of the children on our program


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Organization Information

Power of Love Foundation

Location: San Diego, CA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Power of Love Foundation
Project Leader:
Alka Subramanian
San Diego , CA Zambia
$36,216 raised of $60,000 goal
349 donations
$23,784 to go
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