Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia

by Power of Love Foundation
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Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia
Health Care for 500 HIV+ Children in Zambia

Project Report | Oct 30, 2016
2016 was an amazing year

By Alka Subramanian | Project Leader

Health Check up by the Nurse
Health Check up by the Nurse

The families in our pediatric HIV care program truly appreciate your continued support and dedication to provide health care services to orphans and vulnerable HIV+ children in Zambia. The goal of this program is to strengthen the community by equipping families with tools to take care of their HIV+ children. Family members of children are provided with training in caring for an HIV+ child, and education in HIV prevention. This leads to an improvement in the health of the children, prevention of HIV, and reduction in stigma associated with HIV.

Over the last year, our program has taken big strides forward. We would like to share these exciting developments with you.

Big Strides Taken in the Past 12 months:

  1. Addition of 100 Children: We were able to add 100 children in 2016 bringing the total number of HIV+ children in our care to 350. At this time, the new children are undergoing a complete health exam and health care professionals are designing a health plan for each child for the next 6-12 months. 
  2. We continue to achieve our goal of zero new HIV infections: In the last five years 100% of children born to HIV+ moms were HIV free. Pregnant women are enrolled in our PMTCT (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV) program so that we can maximize the chances of the new born child being HIV free.   
  3. Training Provided to Family members: Over the last two years 165 family members have been provided training in HIV prevention and care. This ensures that family members can identify and get treatment for infections in a timely manner to prevent escalation of the infection that can compromise a child’s health. Also, family members trained in HIV prevention and care share their knowledge with others in the community. This leads to improved knowledge, and better health for the entire community making it stronger.  
  4. HIV Prevention: As a result of better knowledge about HIV, more than 240 family members have come forward for testing for HIV. This is critical for prevention and spread of HIV.
  5. Children Graduated: Over the last two years, 34 children turned 18 years of age and were graduated from the program. Some of these children come back as volunteers and are wonderful role models for younger children.
  6. Improvement in health: New children added to the program over the last 12 months are improving in health (measured by an increase in weight) and their immune system has become stronger (measured by an increase in CD4 count). Prior to enrollment most children complain of diarrhea, skin rashes, cough, malnourishment, and TB. However, once they have been on the program for 4-5 months, their health improves and they start attending school regularly HIV+ children in Zambia healthy and in school.  

    We could not have achieved any of this without your support. Thanks again for your dedication to keep orphans and vulnerable HIV+ children in Zambia healthy and in school.  

Children coming back from School
Children coming back from School
A child in our program
A child in our program
A young boy in conversation with a health worker
A young boy in conversation with a health worker


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Organization Information

Power of Love Foundation

Location: San Diego, CA - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @Power of Love Foundation
Project Leader:
Alka Subramanian
San Diego , CA Zambia
$36,226 raised of $60,000 goal
350 donations
$23,774 to go
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