Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas

by The Nepal Trust
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Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas

Project Report | May 17, 2016
Working with the System.

By Tony Sharpe | Project Leader

Barguan. Ms Nabina Lama (ANM)
Barguan. Ms Nabina Lama (ANM)

The Nepal Trust has pioneered health care and knowledge in the remote 'Hidden Himalayas' for over 20 years. We have seen tremendous improvements in not only health but also in the general lives of the villagers of this forgotten region. However, it is important to remember that we will not be there for ever and at some point the local population and the government must take over. It is important, and not practical, not to rush but to take time to ensure that the foundations laid will remain and continue to develop and prosper. Our clinics have been built and developed at the request of the local people through their village health committees. Not all are officially designated government clinics but it is hoped they will be through demand and pressure from the health committees. Where a clinic is officially classified as a government one the Trust has been asked to remain by the committee to run it to ensure efficiency. It is planned that, one day, all our clinics will become part of the government system.

Bargaun Birthing Centre is a good example of a government clinic, built and refurbished by the Trust, which remains under our management at the request of the local health committee. It is linked to the clinic at Torpa, our very first clinic, about an hours walk away. Sarkegad, in south Humla, is a similar example that ensures staff efficiency and broadens availibility to a wider public.

Our latest clinic, Yari Birthing Centre in north Humla, has completed building and equipment and furniture has been ordered for delivery very soon. Meanwhile Community Maternal Health training has begun for 68 women and mothers.

The Little Doctors programme - health education for students - goes from strength to strength. Funding is now in place to run four courses this year. Up to 100 young boys and girls will learn the essentials of good personal hygiene and cleanliness which they can pass on to their families.

Many of our other projects are health related. For example, renewable energy - clean energy - is healthy for the environment and reduces respitory diseases in the home. We have established many micro-hydro and solar energy schemes over the years. To support these schemes we are building a Renewable Energy Service Centre in the district - the first of its kind anywhere in Nepal. The project has yet to be fully funded and we would welcome further support.

We are working on a large water and sanitation project (WASH) at Kaskikot which will eventually provide clean water and sanitation to over 17000 people including many schools and public areas.

Our education portfolio includes Thehe school in the largest Hindu village in Humla. It is now completed and handed over to the education authorities. Our planned projects include schools at Kapilvastu (Lumbini), Bharatpur School for the Deaf (Chitwan) and Lipne (Humla). New schools will be built at Shree Ghorkonath and Shree Reshankyu in Sindalpulchowk as part of our Earthquake response. Work is due to start shortly once government administration has been dealt with.

Agriculture and food security are very important for good health. Our large project in Humla has been extended for another 3 years with our main funder. This will benefit 325 farmers.

As you can see, we are busy! However, I am proud to say that over 20 years every single project we have established is still there and operating - because we are there!

Of course nothing would happen without the support of our donors and volunteers for which we are eternally grateful. Many, many thanks to you all.

Thehe School
Thehe School
Bargaun Health Committee
Bargaun Health Committee

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Organization Information

The Nepal Trust

Location: Glasgow, Scotland - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Anna McPherson
Elgin , Moray United Kingdom
$89,431 raised of $120,000 goal
832 donations
$30,569 to go
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