Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas

by The Nepal Trust
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Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas
Healthcare & Education in the Hidden Himalayas

Project Report | Aug 15, 2016
A New Life.

By Tony Sharpe | Project Leader

The first baby at Barguan BC
The first baby at Barguan BC

Jankala is a young mother from Bargaun village in Humla. Before the Nepal Trust built the new Birthing Centre in her village she would have had to trek for hours, even days, to reach qualified help and safe facilities to deliver her baby. The alternative was to give birth in an outbuilding or cowshed. This is no longer necessary and Jankala has delivered the very first baby to be born in the birthing centre. The baby, yet to be named, is healthy and will receive regular check-ups, along with its mother, to ensure they both have a long and healthy future ahead of them.

The other two Birthing Centres are operating well. Yari has still to be fully furnished but all the furniture has been shipped to Simikot and will soon be delivered by horse and porters. Meanwhile Maternal Health training sessions have started and are well attended.

All clinics, six altogether, have recently been restocked with fresh medicines and supplies.

Our successful Little Doctors health programme for school children goes from strength to strength. We have taken the decision to run 4 courses this year - up from 3 - and in subsequent years. This will mean that up to 90 children will be taught basic personal and family healthcare and knowledge which they will pass on to their families. This programme is having a significant impact on general health in the district.

We continue to work in cooperation with other agencies and donors. An example is the recent donation, through the Norwegian Development Fund, to supply the village of Syadaa in Humla with a complete set of birthing equipment for its clinic. The Nepal Trust safely delivered the equipment.

Our work continues in this remote but very beautiful part of the world. Nothing is easy, there are no roads and movement is always on foot. Emergencies can be dealt with with the help of an helicopter or a small plane from Simikot but it is very expensive. Our donors are our lifeline but life and death for the people that live in Humla. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you have done to support this cause. Please stay with us and encourage your friends to help also.


Auxillary Nurse Midwife - Nabina
Auxillary Nurse Midwife - Nabina
Yari - Maternal Health Training
Yari - Maternal Health Training
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Organization Information

The Nepal Trust

Location: Glasgow, Scotland - United Kingdom
Project Leader:
Anna McPherson
Elgin , Moray United Kingdom
$89,431 raised of $120,000 goal
832 donations
$30,569 to go
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