Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness

by Fundacion Oyeme
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Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness
Hearing screenings to detect childhood deafness

Project Report | May 17, 2023
Better late than never

By Mariana Bohorquez Uribe | Comunicadora Fundacion Oyeme

Hello dear donors of this wonderful Project!

We want to thank you for all your support and trust in our work, because hearing prevention and health in vulnerable early childhood is our priority.

We were already able to hold our first day of the year, in the municipality of Caldas, Antioquia, at the Salinas educational institution. We attended a small group of boys and girls (31 in total) from the first year of age to 6 years.

16 of them passed the screening, 7 did not and 4 were referred to an ENT.

In the next report we will be telling you about our second day of the year that will be held in the city of Medellín at the Friends of Children Association in the San Javier neighborhood.

We wish you a happy day and remind you that gratitude is a flower that comes from the soul. I hope you continue to support us in this 2023.

Mariana Bohórquez Uribe. 

Fundación Óyeme. 


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Feb 20, 2023
Intact commitment

By Mariana Bohorquez Uribe | Comunicadora Fundacion Oyeme

Nov 1, 2022
Thanks to your support, we were able to auditively

By Mariana Bohorquez Uribe | Comunicadora Fundacion Oyeme

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Organization Information

Fundacion Oyeme

Location: Medellin, Antioquia - Colombia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Mariana Bohórquez Uribe
Medellin , Antioquia Colombia
$11,626 raised of $16,000 goal
76 donations
$4,374 to go
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