Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao

by Friends of Sea Turtle Conservation Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao
Help Protect Endangered Sea Turtles in Curacao

Project Report | Nov 22, 2021
Collaboration with Dutch TV Family program "Klaas kan Alles"

By Saitia Comenencia | General Board member

This quarter STCC got a great opportunity to collaborate with a Dutch TV program “Klaas kan Alles” (Klaas can do everything) to show the activities the organization undertakes to protect the sea turtles. Klaas kan Alles is a popular family program and is about technology, science and smart gadgets. In every episode Klaas gets a number of exciting assignments that he tries to succeed with the help of technology and science.

Plastic waste in our oceans is a big threat for sea turtles. In order to show Klaas how big of a threat, we organized a beach cleanup at Boca of San Pedro. At this particular inlet on the North coast of Curacao a lot of plastic debris washes up on shore. The TV presenter including the crew were astonished to see the situation. Everyone knows about the plastic soup problem, but it is until you see it with your own eyes and clean it up with your hands, then it really sinks in.  12 volunteers, including a couple of very enthusiastic children collected 130 kilograms of trash that day.

The second day of filming was on a very small uninhabited island near Curacao, Klein Curacao (Little Curacao). On the beaches of Klein Curacao, sea turtles come each year to lay their eggs. STCC monitors and cleans the beach regularly. Klaas had the assignment to spot a turtle and make a good picture of its head. The pattern on the head of a sea turtle is unique. It is a way to identify them.

Participating in this program gave STCC some exposure. The TV program airs every week in the Netherlands.  All of the assignments are uploaded to their Youtube channel, so people can look it up afterwards. This particular episode was viewed almost 11.000 times. After the episode aired, STCC was contacted by a firm and received a donation because of what they saw in this program.

It was two days of intense filming and explaining what STCC does. Everyone had a lot of fun working together. But most important of all, a lot more people are now aware of the plastic pollution, the threat to sea turtles and what STCC does to protect them.


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Organization Information

Friends of Sea Turtle Conservation Curacao

Location: Willemstad, Curacao - Curaçao
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Fedde Burgers
Willemstad , Curacao Curaçao
$34,986 raised of $75,000 goal
637 donations
$40,014 to go
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