Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families

by Siam-Care Foundation
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families

Project Report | Sep 20, 2013
Life in the slums of Lad Prao 80

By Hariette Mingoen | Officer in Charge

Bell (r), Bam(l) and their twin brothers
Bell (r), Bam(l) and their twin brothers

Densely built homes along the Lad Prao 80 river, tons of garbage floating in and out. Conditions are dreadful and disturbing in the area. So many families live here, all affected by poverty, each of them carrying their own story about life in the slums.

Making ends meet

Siam Care is on its regular visits, meeting the sisters Bell & Bam. They are both sponsored, making it possible for them to go to school and to work on a better future. Together with their grandmother and younger twin brothers they live in a small wooden house, which is not more than a little hut at the waterfront. The floor of the “hallway” we walked on, is made of loose wooden planks, hold together by a few nails. It is amazing  how welcoming they are, offering us a fresh bottle of water, while they can hardly make ends meet. Bell & Bam’s grandmother does different things to earn money; one of them is selling grilled pork on the streets of Bangkok. The money she earns is just enough for the family to live on.

Receiving guidance in difficult times

Bell & Bam’s father left the family long ago and their mother lives in the south of Thailand together with her new boyfriend. It’s heartbreaking that the sisters have to grow up without the presence and love of their parents. Especially since they are in their puberty, they need proper care and guidance that help them to make the right choices and decisions in life. Siam Care listens to their concerns and provides them the psychological help they need.

A better future for Bell & Bam

Because grandmother works all day, Bell has been the one taking care of her little twin brothers. Because of this she had a hard time to manage her schoolwork and the chores at home. Now that the twins are old enough, she can focus more on her education and enjoy some free time for herself. Bell is 17 years old and will start vocational school this coming year. She has chosen to learn about computers, because this is what attract her the most. She still doesn’t know what kind of job she wants to have later, but she says she will be thrilled when she will receive her diploma. Her 13 years old younger sister Bam, knows exactly what she wants to become after she finishes her education. She says: “I want to be a kind and gentle teacher, like the teachers at my school” Bam is doing very well at school and it is very clear that she enjoys her classes.

Although both sisters have different ambitions, they have one thing in common; a strong personality and the will to move on! With your donations we can guide them in their journey and make  it possible for them to reach their  goals. Every child deserves a chance to be happy, don’t you agree?

Inside Bell & Bams home
Inside Bell & Bams home
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Organization Information

Siam-Care Foundation

Location: Bangkok - Thailand
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Jan-Peter Kelder
Manager of Communications
Bangkok , Thailand
$16,745 raised of $75,000 goal
368 donations
$58,255 to go
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