Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families

by Siam-Care Foundation
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families
Holistic Care for 450 HIV Positive Thai Families

Project Report | Mar 3, 2017
Lam wants to make her mother proud

By Jan-Peter Kelder | Resource Development Manager

With the help of Global Giving, Siam-Care helps 200 children to study, who would not have been able to go to school without financial support. Lam is one of them, this is her story.

My name is Lam (not her real name) and I am 10 years old. I live in Nakhon Pathom, a city close to Bangkok. I am HIV-infected and I live with my grandparents. My mother died three months after I was born. My father left my mother before I was born and I have never seen him or heard from him.

 “I was born in 2008 in Korat, the second biggest city of Thailand. My mother was HIV-infected and didn’t use any medication, so I was born with the infection as well. After my mother died, not long after I was born, I moved in with my grandparents of my mother’s side, who live in Nakhon Pathom. They are farmers and grow rice or sugarcanes, depending on the season. They are not infected, but due to their high age, 72 and 77, it is hard for them to work and make enough money for us to survive. We have always struggles to make ends meet and until I was 6 years old, I was not able to go to school because my family had not enough money.”

A stranger comes to help
“Four years ago, the hospital told me about Siam-Care. They told me there was an organization which helps children like me to go to school. I was really surprised and could not believe they would be willing to help me. Why would they? They didn’t even know me. A couple weeks later, three people visited me: two Thai women and one foreigner. They asked me and my grandparents many questions and told my grandparents it was important for their granddaughter, so me, to go to school. They told me somebody from Europe wanted to pay for my school. I could not believe what I had just heard. Why would a stranger do this for me?”

First day at school
“With the financial support of Siam-Care, I was able to buy a school uniform, books and some other necessities. I still remember very well the first day I went to school. I was so proud and happy that I was able study and to learn how to read and write. Even though it is four years ago, I still remember that first day very well. Now, in 2016, I still go to school and made many new friends. My favorite subject is music. I really like to sing and dance. I still feel very proud that Siam-Care choose me to study. I will never forget what they have done for me.”

Make my mother proud
“Like I said, I was very young when my mother died. I was too young to understand what was going on. I don't remember what my mother looked like, obviously. I still have pictures of me and my mother though. I know she loved me very much. I know she would have liked to have more children. It may sound weird because she is not here anymore but I want to make her proud by finishing my study. I want to make her proud by getting a good job, so I can take care of my grandparents. With the help of Siam-Care I think I can finish my study. Something I didn’t think a couple years ago.”

Thank you Global Giving
This is just one of the stories of one of the children Siam-Care enables to study. Because of the help of people like you, who give through Global Giving, we can keep children in school. Thank you very much for allowing us to give future to children like Lam!

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Organization Information

Siam-Care Foundation

Location: Bangkok - Thailand
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
Jan-Peter Kelder
Manager of Communications
Bangkok , Thailand
$16,745 raised of $75,000 goal
368 donations
$58,255 to go
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