HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa

by GAIA Vaccine Foundation
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HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa
HPV and Cervical Cancer Prevention for West Africa

Project Report | Nov 5, 2014
Join GAIA's climb to the top!

By Eliza Squibb | Executive Director

Dear supporters,

This is an exciting time for GAIA Vaccine Foundation! We are proud to announce that we are round 13 winners of the Grand Challenges grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation! Our HPV cloth project, called the "Story-telling cloth" is listed on their website:


And now the challenge begins! We have 18 months to prove that our innovative textile designs can change the existing culture around HPV vaccination and the lack of cervical cancer screenings in West Africa. We need your help now more than ever!

We will be running education sessions in Mali and surveying participants to assess our story-telling cloth's ability to help women understand the connection between HPV and cervical cancer. 

We have a finalized version of the design that incorporates the input of the Malian focus groups that took place over the summer. Colors have been varied to best suit our community's fashion sense! We also added a popular Bambara slogan "BANAKOUBÈ KAFISA NI BANA FOURA KÈYÉ", meaning "It's better to prevent than cure".

Our founder, Annie De Groot, is currently delivering cloth to West African musicians who have agreed to support  and promote our campaign. Stay tuned for photos in a future report, this promises to be eye-catching!

Please continue your support of this important innitiative. We are on the road to success, and we would love for you to join us!


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GAIA Vaccine Foundation

Location: Providence, RI - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @GAIAVaccine
Project Leader:
GAIA Vaccine Foundation
Providence , RI United States
$17,281 raised of $22,000 goal
228 donations
$4,719 to go
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