Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs

by Fundacion por una Nueva Solucion
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Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs

Project Report | May 5, 2020
Mujeres Indigenas Mujeres Empresarias - 6th Report

By Haydee Reyes | Coordinadora de En Pro de la Mujer

¡Tu apoyo las empodera! Las beneficiarias aprendieron a confiar en su potencial y a profesionalizarlo, logrando conseguir activos (ejemplo: máquinas de coser, hornos) y capacitaciones especializadas por sí mismas.

A principios de 2020, 35 mujeres rurales e indígenas terminaron su proceso formativo, y ahora son independientes de Educampo, tienen su propia empresa y la manejan ellas mismas. Aunque hayan concluido el programa satisfactoriamente, ellas siempre podrán contar con nosotros para lo que necesiten.

Trabajamos en 23 localidades de 3 estados (Campeche, Oaxaca y Yucatán. Durante febrero y marzo, realizamos 132 sesiones de capacitación presencial (un total de 272 horas). Sin embargo, como consecuencia de la pandemia (Covid 19), se comenzó a trabajar en una modalidad en línea, utilizando todas las herramientas que la tecnología nos ofrece, las promotoras han logrado “conectar” al 50% de las mujeres para continuar con sus procesos educativos y fomentar la producción y venta de sus productos.

Cabe señalar que, considerando que en muchas de las zonas no se cuenta con señal o acceso a internet, alcanzar este nivel de cobertura es un logro excepcional.

Cada uno de nuestros logros es gracias a ti, y se resumen en los siguientes números:

- 122 mujeres atendidas

- 10 grupos de trabajo

- 4 cooperativas (unión de grupos)

- 354 niños, niñas y adultos mayores beneficiados indirectamente

Tu donativo realmente transforma vidas, y ahora más que nunca necesitamos de tu apoyo. ¡Gracias por seguir siendo parte de Educampo!


Your support empowers them! The beneficiaries had gain confidence and learn how to explode their potential, achieving the acquisition of actives (like sewing machines and ovens), and specialized training too, all by them self!

At beginning of 2020, 35 indigenous women completed their formative process and now are independent, even of Educampo. They have their own company, which manage by their own. But, even when they have successfully completed the program, all of them can count with the Educampo support, any moment any time.

Currently, we are working in 23 localities of 3 states (Campeche, Oaxaca and Yucatan). During February and March, we carry out 132 training sessions (272 hours). However, as consequence of the global situation (the Coronavirus pandemic), our collaborators started working online, and we have achieve that the 50% of the women get online to continue with their formative process, the production and commercialization of their products.

Most of the localities doesn’t have access to internet or telephone, so, have the 50% of the beneficiaries online, is a really exceptional accomplishment.

Each every one of our successes are thanks to you:

- 122 indigenous women attended

- 10 work groups

- 4 cooperatives (groups union)

- 354 children and elderlies indirectly benefited

Your donation truly transforms lives, and now more than ever we need your support. Thank you for continuing to be part of Educampo!

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Organization Information

Fundacion por una Nueva Solucion

Location: Mexico, Benito Juárez - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @educampomx
Project Leader:
Jessie Romero
Mexico , Mexico City Mexico
$17,375 raised of $20,000 goal
374 donations
$2,625 to go
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Training for one woman to improve the quality of her product. Una mujer se capacita para mejorar la calidad de su producto.
A group of 9 women is trained to add value to their product. Un grupo de 9 mujeres se capacita para agregar valor a su producto.
Three groups (27 women) participate in workshops to identify the commercial chain of their product. Tres grupos (27 mujeres) participan en talleres para identificar la cadena comercial de su producto.
7 groups (63 women) receive advice to negotiate the best conditions of sale with buyers. 7 grupos (63 mujeres) reciben asesoria para negociar las mejores condiciones de venta con compradores.
15 groups (135 women) are trained in administrative issues to reduce their production costs. 15 grupos (135 mujeres) se capacitan en temas administrativos para disminuir sus costos de produccion.
30 groups (270 women) participate in workshops on legal and fiscal aspects of their productive activity. 30 grupos (270 mujeres) participan en talleres sobre aspectos legales y fiscales de suactividad
40 groups (360 women) receive advice for their legal constitution, regulations and functions of their members. 40 grupos (360 mujeres) reciben asesoria para su constitucion legal y reglamentos.
40 groups (360 women) receive advice and are trained on how to comply with the quality and administrative standards required by the market. 40 grupos reciben asesoria y se capacitan sobre el mercado.
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