Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs

by Fundacion por una Nueva Solucion
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Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs
Turn indigenous women into women entrepreneurs

Project Report | Apr 29, 2021
Mujeres Indigenas Mujeres Empresarias - 9th Report

By Jessie Romero | Fundraising Coordinator

En Pro de la Mujer continues adding participants and strengthen groups. From January to April 2021, we began the work with 200 women in communities of Jalisco, who are receiving training to raise chickens and sheep, and to work with corn derivatives.

These women, in addition to obtaining healthy food for themselves and their families, will be able to receive trainingo so that, gradually, they can increase their production and become farmer entrepreneurs.

Also, we continue to strengthen the groups of producers in Yucatán, who received both face-to-face and virtual sessions and training on administrative and marketing issues.

One of Educampo's objectives in 2021, is to take actions to reduce the lack of generational renewal in rural communities, therefore, we have promoted the integration of more young people in training programs, achieving 65% increase in the En Pro de la Mujer program.

Although we have not yet overcome this health and economic crisis, we are working to offer all the tools, capacity development and support in asset management, so that the effects on the beneficiaries are less.



Currently we have taken distance and face-to-face trainings regarding production. We are very happy and grateful, they have helped us to obtain general knowledge and growth opportunities, personal and economic in our families. We thank the promoters and the Educampo program for continuing with us, before and during the crisis. To everyone who makes it possible, thank you!


El programa En Pro de la Mujer, sigue sumando participantes y fortaleciendo grupos. De enero a abril de 2021, comenzamos a trabajar con un total de 200 mujeres en comunidades de Jalisco, quienes están recibiendo capacitación para criar gallina y borrego, así como para trabajar con derivados del maíz.

Estas mujeres, además de obtener alimentos sanos y saludables para ellas y sus familias, podrán recibir asesoría para que, gradualmente, puedan aumentar su producción y convertirse en empresarias agropecuarias.

Por otro lado, continuamos fortaleciendo los grupos de productoras de Yucatán, quienes recibieron tanto de manera presencial como virtual, sesiones y capacitaciones en temas administrativos y de comercialización.

Como uno de los objetivos de Educampo en este 2021, se encuentra el ejercer acciones para disminuir la falta de relevo generacional en las comunidades rurales, por lo tanto, hemos impulsado la integración de más jóvenes en los programas de capacitación, logrando obtener un 65% de aumento en el programa En Pro de la Mujer.

Si bien aún no hemos superado esta crisis sanitaria y económica, estamos trabajando por ofrecer todas las herramientas, desarrollo de capacidades y apoyo en la gestión de activo, para que los efectos en los beneficiarios sean menores.


Actualmente hemos tomado capacitaciones a distancia y de forma presenciales con respecto a la producción. Estamos muy contentas y agradecidas, nos han ayudado a obtener conocimientos generales y oportunidades de crecimiento, personales y económicos en nuestras familias. Agradecemos a las promotoras y al programa de Educampo por seguir con nosotros, antes y durante de la crisis. A todos los que lo hacen posible, ¡gracias!

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Organization Information

Fundacion por una Nueva Solucion

Location: Mexico, Benito Juárez - Mexico
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @educampomx
Project Leader:
Jessie Romero
Mexico , Mexico City Mexico
$17,375 raised of $20,000 goal
374 donations
$2,625 to go
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Training for one woman to improve the quality of her product. Una mujer se capacita para mejorar la calidad de su producto.
A group of 9 women is trained to add value to their product. Un grupo de 9 mujeres se capacita para agregar valor a su producto.
Three groups (27 women) participate in workshops to identify the commercial chain of their product. Tres grupos (27 mujeres) participan en talleres para identificar la cadena comercial de su producto.
7 groups (63 women) receive advice to negotiate the best conditions of sale with buyers. 7 grupos (63 mujeres) reciben asesoria para negociar las mejores condiciones de venta con compradores.
15 groups (135 women) are trained in administrative issues to reduce their production costs. 15 grupos (135 mujeres) se capacitan en temas administrativos para disminuir sus costos de produccion.
30 groups (270 women) participate in workshops on legal and fiscal aspects of their productive activity. 30 grupos (270 mujeres) participan en talleres sobre aspectos legales y fiscales de suactividad
40 groups (360 women) receive advice for their legal constitution, regulations and functions of their members. 40 grupos (360 mujeres) reciben asesoria para su constitucion legal y reglamentos.
40 groups (360 women) receive advice and are trained on how to comply with the quality and administrative standards required by the market. 40 grupos reciben asesoria y se capacitan sobre el mercado.
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