Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti

by Peace Winds America
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti
Creating Local Jobs in Southern Haiti

Project Report | Nov 18, 2022
Additional Mobility Aids for Disabled Haitians

By Sarah Maraschky | Communications Associate

Duvasseau, Beneficiary
Duvasseau, Beneficiary

The security situation in Haiti has been declining over the past several years, but it took a rapid downward turn in September 2022. Gang violence is rampant, and armed groups are cutting off communities’ access to necessities like oil, healthcare services, food, and water. While the lack of security presents significant challenges, Peace Winds has continued to support residents of the Southern Department who survived Haiti’s major 7.2 magnitude earthquake last year in August 2021. 

You may remember that in March 2022, we donated mobility aids to 120 Haitians with disabilities. These included canes, walkers, wheelchairs, and crutches. Thanks to a donation from the Ibaraki International Exchange Association, Peace Winds was able to donate mobility aids to an additional 18 disabled earthquake survivors this summer.

Before the earthquake, the “MCPHPSH: le Mouvement Citoyen des Personnes Handicapées Physiques Sud d'Haïti” provided accommodations for people with disabilities, including recreational activities and events. However, the facility was completely destroyed by the earthquake. As the center rebuilds, there is an increase in people who need its services, and 40% of new registrants are people who suffered debilitating injuries resulting from the earthquake. 

In addition to being a part of the disability center community, it is extremely important for Haitians with disabilities to be able to move on their own to build independence, self-esteem, and social participation. With the donation Peace Winds received, we were able to distribute mobility aids for an additional 18 people who use the facility. These beneficiaries now have a higher level of mobility and independence.

Below are testimonies from some of the Haitians who received mobility aids from this donation.


“I have a chronic knee injury that has made my daily life very difficult, so I am very happy that I was able to receive a cane this time. I still have to work hard to get my grandchildren to go to school, so I want to use this cane to expand my range of activities.”


“After the earthquake, my blood pressure rose, and I couldn't move my left leg or left arm properly. I couldn’t walk properly, but thanks to a cane, I am able to walk a little easier and be more active. I am truly grateful for this.”

Louis (MCPHPSH Coordinator)

“On behalf of the organization, I would like to express my gratitude for this donation to the disabled. Even before the earthquake, the lives of disabled people were difficult, and after the earthquake, they became even more complicated. I would like to continue working in cooperation with Peace Winds to support people with disabilities. In addition to providing assistive devices, I would like to help construct facilities, build houses, and provide food in disaster areas. There are still many people with disabilities who are malnourished because food is still in short supply.”


Today, the situation for vulnerable people in Haiti is even worse. Gang clashes, looting, and violent protests are frequent, there are critical food shortages, and security is deteriorating. Cholera is beginning to spread, but many hospitals cannot operate due to security concerns and fuel shortages. Peace Winds continues to accept donations so that we can work with local partners to best respond to the ongoing crisis. We appreciate your continued support.

Jocelyn, Beneficiary
Jocelyn, Beneficiary
Louis, MCPHPSH Coordinator
Louis, MCPHPSH Coordinator


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Peace Winds America

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @PWAmerica
Project Leader:
Jim Gannon
Washington , DC United States

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