By Sarah Leavitt | Digital Outreach Manager
So far, in 2013, seven new Lambi Fund of Haiti projects have been launched. These are exciting initiatives that are uniting communities and producing income generating activities in Haiti.
Three community credit funds were recently launched. These are creating access to affordable loans for members of grassroots organizations. The loans are being used by small merchants and farmers to invest in their crops and buy goods for their businesses. Additionally, Lambi Fund is training organization members how to manage the credit fund, maintain bookkeeping, and issue loans to its members. Once the loans are repaid, the money will replenish the credit fund and the organizations will have even more money to issue loans to even more of its members.
Another exciting effort is a coffee production project launched in partnership with the Cooperative of Agricultural Coffee Growers of Kalavil (KAPKAK). Here, Lambi Fund is providing the seeds, tools and training necessary to expand this coffee cooperative’s capacity to produce high-quality coffee beans.
The Peasant Movement of Charbe (MPC) is working with Lambi Fund to plant 60,000 fruit and forest trees in their community. They are receiving training on seedling production, reforestation, and composting. MPC members are also working to build two tree nurseries.
Another new project recently launched is an ox-plow service with The Society for Agricultural Development of Nip (SADN). Lambi Fund is providing the resources needed to purchase six oxen and three plows. Following training on how to manage and operate an ox-plow service, this service will affordably plow locals’ fields, which are now currently being plowed by hand.
The final project launched in 2013 so far, is a goat breeding project with The Three Mangoes Peasant Organization for Development (OPDTM). Lambi Fund is working with OPDTM to purchase 50 female and 5 male breeding goats and providing technical training in animal husbandry. Currently, the organization is working to build shelters for the animals, fenced in grazing areas and gardens to grow feed.
Each of these new projects are exciting initiatives that are strengthening grassroots organizations’ capacities in their communities and creating opportunities for income producing activities. As the projects evolve, Lambi Fund will have updates on their progress, struggles they face along the way and the impact they are making in their communities.
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