By Marie Marthe Saint Cyr | Executive Director
Inclusion, access, equity and equality are for us the most essential elements in the long term rebuilding of Haiti. First to gain independence and falling back in giving freedoom to its people, Haiti is far from creating a free place where people can, by their boot straps, reach individual freedoms. Long term rebuilding is more than open hands to receive resources; it is much more about creative and proven solutions with local involvement and strong engagement.
The development of community credit funds managed by local organizations to build local enterprises for farmers and for women is a crucial piece of the puzzle for long term rebuilding in Haiti. It combats unemployment, it spurs or stimulates the local market enterprising and creates capacity to reinvest in the community. In addition, these businesses meet the basic needs of community dwellers.
Small commerce is the hallmark of revenue-producing activities in a country where high unempployment has remained consistent over the last two decades and the brain drain is such that it is unrivaled. Partnership with local organizations that creates small funds to support the local commerce is a priority. This is a year for producing revenue and rebuilding the economy and the local neighborhoods, while increasing the number of children in school and the number of survivors.
Throughout this year, Lambi Fund has worked with 14 rural farming organizations in expanding 5,882,500 HTG (Haitian Gourdes) of small loans at a 2% degressive interest rate which has been distributed to 2594 rural planters. Loans are for a duration of six months which facilitate the production of the harvest and tilling the land for the new planting season. The loans to women are for expanding their small businesses. Revenue from the loans has increased the fund balance to 7,719,393 HTG. The revenue from the loans also allows the organizations to increase the number of people who are able to receive loans to create their own revenue or expand their local food production.
The contribution that you have made makes the micro loans possible and improves the number of people who create their own revenue through small enterprises.
Thanks to your generosity, many families today are able to keep their children in school and keep food on the table because they have work.
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