By Marie Marthe Saint Cyr | Executive Director
Contributing to long term rebuilding in Haiti has taken many forms since the earthquake of January 12, 2010. We have experienced various changes over the last six years until Hurricane Mathew hit the South of Haiti on October 4th 2016. In 35 years we have not seen wreck as this from a storm. Suddenly we are in the mist of debris, bare trees roofless homes; the threath of food insecurity looms ahead with cholera; conditions that present a menace to the most vulnerable and augment the level of poverty to new heights.
The temptation is to provide relief and much needed relief. But the reality is relief without long term rehabilitation is simply a relay to worsening the conditions of an already deprived population. WIth 1.5 milllions without shelter and more than 1.5 billion in damaged residences, gardens and commercial structures, it is evident that the involvement has to be a long term committment. We have yet to assess as a nation the environmental damage of the coastal reefs and the plight odf the coastal residents in the years ahead.
The Lambi Fund has responded with a cash donation phase for the members of organization partners with dire emergencies within the first two weeks and assisted over 9000 persons. Our second phase was to help 1599 farmers plant 3000 kawo of land and bridge to the planting season in December working together. Today we are looking at flourishing beans, eggplant, okra and legumes that will alleviate the paucity of food in the local market in the next few weeks.
Our long term project currently is to rehabilitate 27 projects to restore 3 mills for the transformation of cereal; replace oxens in ox-plowing service that mechanize tilling land and increase food production; rekindle the animal breeding where our partners lost 6900 goats and sheeps ;and support the credit fund for women who need to rebuild their inventory and promote their retail sales to creat revenue to care for their families.
You have been an integral part of the partnership to move forward reaching goals for mulated in unison with rural farmers of Haiti. It is for this long term phase that we hope you will continue the journey with us. We thank you for your continued support and your help.
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