By Marie Marthe Saint Cyr | Executive Director
Reconstruction is not automatic in Haiti, As resources diminish, land demarcation shifted and coastal cities threatened due to rising sea level, responsible leadership and institutions must reassess strategic location of projects for maximum impact to improve survivability of the community. Such was the focus of our last gathering on July 24th of this year. There is growing evidence of change occuring in the weather patterns, pluviosity and drought. These patterns changes are affecting the number of harvest, the volume of production, thus food security and food sovereignty where over 70% of the population depends on small family plot to earn a living and secure the well being of an average family of four.
As a small organization that has partnered with over 250 organizations with membership totaling over 10,000 families and having impacted the lives of more than 2 million Haitians. The Lambi Fund is making it a priority to create an awareness campaign and reconsider the criteria for supporting infrastructure for agricultural growth, such as mills, canals for irrigation, reforresting areas to protect water beds.
Establishing this dialogue is the first step in mobilizing a network of the farmers/partners, an essential component to building a consensus on advocay and improved awareness and developping a shared strategy for an adequate response.
Hurricane Mathews was devastating to the South of Haiti. 8 months later, the amazing greening of the South and the soft lime green of the bourgeoning trunks of once devastated trees are signs of hope that we must come together to reduce the devastation that threathened us all.
Your participation in the work of the Lambi Fund has made it posible and we are thankful.
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